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About the Department

  • Permanent Affiliation to Anna University and recognized Anna University Research Centre for Ph.D / M.S  by Research.
  • Accredited by NBA in the revised norms since June 2017.
  • Centre of Excellence in Medical Electronics in collaboration with Robert Bosch, Bangalore. – View Report
  • Smart India Hackathon –Software Edition (2019) – Second Place for the Students batch of ECE and CSE –  View Report
  • Tata crucible hackathon 2019 – Third place was won by Students of ECE –  View Report
  • Winners of “Smart India Hackathon-2018(Hardware Edition)” organized by MHRD & AICTE held at CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, with a cash prize of 1 Lakh rupees.
  • Winners of IEEE SS12- Project completion and Maker fair completion, held at Green University, Srilanka.
  • Skill Based Training and Value Addition Programs from Electronics For You, NIELIT, BSNL and E-yantra are skill training certification courses offered for value addition.
  • More than 10 University ranks and above 80% placement.
  • Over Rs.120 lakhs worth funded and consultancy projects from leading organisations and core industries such as ICMR, MSME, CVRDE, DST, ISRO,AICTE, and IEEE-WIE USA
Vision & Mission


To become a centre of excellence of global significance in Electronics and Communication engineering and producing competent professionals committed to nation building.


  • Impart strong knowledge in the field of Electronics and communication engineering through innovative teaching and learning process
  • Establish laboratories equipped with modern state of art technology resources to facilitate research and consultancy
  • Enhance the knowledge and skills of the faculty to incorporate the latest advancements
  • Facilitate Industrial collaboration in socially responsive research activities

Programme Educational Objectives

The graduates will

PEO 1 Have a successful career as technically competent, highly skilled professionals in Electronics and communication engineering and its related fields
PEO 2 Demonstrate technical competence to provide solutions for real time Electronics and Communication engineering problems
PEO 3 Adopt technological challenges through skill upgradation in the relevant areas
PEO 4 Exhibit professionalism and ethical attitude in their work

Program Outcomes

PO 1 Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO 2 Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3 Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4 Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5 Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6 Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7 Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8 Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9 Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10 Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12 Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO 1 Apply the knowledge of Basic sciences, Electronics and Communication engineering fundamentals and specialization for solving complex problems in Electronics and Communication systems.
PSO 2 Design suitable Electronic circuits and communication systems using modern tools such as PSPICE, MATLAB / Simulink, Assemblers, Cadence and NS2.
PSO 3 Practice the ethics of their profession with a sense of social responsibility
Programmes Offered
UG (Under Graduate)
B.E. – Electronics and Communication Engineering  – 4 Years (Established in 1998) Regulation 2023 Regulation 2021
BE-Electronics and Communication Engineering – Specialization Semiconductor Chip Design and Testing View
Signal Processing View
RF Technologies View
Bio Medical Technologies View
Underwater Technologies View
Sensor Technologies and IoT View
Space Technologies View
High Speed Communications View
B.E. – Electronics and Communication Engineering  – 4 Years (Established in 1998) Regulation 2017 Course Mapping
PG (Post Graduate)
M.E. – Communication Systems  – 2 Years (Established in 2011) Regulation 2021 Regulation 2017
Ph.D (Department is recognized as a Research Centre by Anna University)
Ph.D (Full Time) – 2 Years | Ph.D  (Part Time) – 3 Years
Faculty & Staff

Teaching Experience : 20 years
Speciliazation : Optical Communication & Wireless Communication

Speciliazation : Tele Medicine

Dr.Deepa Jose,M.E.,Ph.D
Prof. and Head Research
Speciliazation : VLSI Signal/Image Processing

Speciliazation : Embedded Systems

Speciliazation : VLSI Design

Dr.Uma Kumari C.R. M.E.,Ph.D
Associate Professor
Speciliazation : Fiber Optics and Photonics

Mr. M.MohamedYaseen,M.E
Assistant Professor (SG)
Speciliazation : Applied Electronics

Ms. B. Thyla,M.E
Assistant Professor (SG)
Speciliazation : Communication Systems

Mr.S.Sadasivam, M.Tech
Assistant Professor (SG)
Speciliazation : Embedded Systems

Ms.JaralineKirubavathy, M.Tech
Assistant Professor (SS)
Speciliazation : VLSI Design

Ms. Aida Jones, M.E
Assistant Professor (SS)
Speciliazation : Communication Systems

Assistant Professor (SS)
Speciliazation : Wireless Communication

Ms. T.G.Arul Flora M.E.
Assistant Professor
Specialization : Communication Systems

Speciliazation : Electro Optical Engineering

Assistant Professor
Specialization : Machine Learning, Wireless Networks

Ms.Priyadharshini.S, M.E.
Assistant Professor
Specialization : Communication System

Ms.K.Karthika, M.E.
Assistant Professor
Speciliazation : VLSI design, Image processing

Ms. E.S. Selva Priya M.E.,
Assistant Professor
Specialization: VLSI Design, Cryptography
Faculty Members
S.No Name of Faculty Events Awards/ Recognition Month / Year Organizer
1.  Dr.Kavitha Balamurugan International Award ceremony Best Faculty Award Jan 2023 Knowledge Research academy
2.  Dr.Deepa Jose IET Activities IET Women Academic Practitioner Award Dec 2022 IET Chennai
3.  Dr.Deepa Jose IEEE Activities Received Honorable Mention- IEEE Inspiring Mentorship Award Oct 2023 IEEE Delhi Section
4.  Dr. Jose Anand IETE Activities Best ISF Chapter Coordinator Award 15.09.2021 IETE Chennai Center
5.  Dr.V.Thulasi Bai Smart India Hackathon-2019(Software Edition) Mentor March 2019 IEEE
6.  Dr.Jose Anand Bharat Vikas Award Bharat Vikas Award Nov / 2017 Institute of Self Reliance
7.  Dr.Jose Anand VIFA 2017 Outstanding Faculty Award July / 2017 Venus  International Faculty Award 2017

Anna University recognized Supervisors

S.No Name Supervisor ID
1. Dr.V.Thulasi Bai 2440402
2. Dr. Deepa Jose 2840046
3. Dr.Jose Anand 3540013
4. Dr.V.Balaji 2740054
5. Dr. Clement Raj 3750006
6. Dr.Uma Kumari C R 3940024

Seminar on AI and Machine Learning : Advancement and Applications 24 Feb 2024

Seminar on DECODING THE TECH TERRAIN on 12.08.2023

Excellence in Innovation

Industrial Visit to NIOT – 10.04.2023

Webinar on IoT Development, Oppurtunities and Challenges on 01.04.2023

Faculty Empowerment Program onTelemedicine and Health Care Research – 18.2.2023

Industry Led 5-day Faculty Development Program on 5G Technologies and beyond from 21.02.2023 to 25.02.2023

Seminar on Cloud Security on 18.03.2023.


Industrial Visit to ISRO


“The Planets Largest Coastal Cleanup” Programme at Palavakkam Beach

Two day workshop on Arduino

Teach-to-Reach teaching coaching programme

Tree Plantation

Why to choose Electronics and Communication Engineering
What makes it an ideal option.

  • Undoubtedly, it has been found that the employment in the ECE sector has amplified significantly in the last few years.
  • The reason behind this positive change of wind is the growing nexus between the electronics industry and the digital technology.
  • The application of ECE in fields, such as satellite and mobile communication, digital telecommunication, power electronics, etc. has created amazing career options.
  • Apart from this, manufacturing companies, Multinational Corporations (MNCs), research-based or industrial corporations, government authorities, aerospace manufacturing companies, consumer electronics manufacturing, healthcare tools manufacturing, Armed forces (Army/ Air Force/Navy), many others look for candidates with ECE background.
  • In a nutshell, one can say that the skills of ECE engineers in
    • planning,
    • executing the testing process,
    • framing of the system layouts,
    • and delivering the end product in an impeccable way enhances their market value.

This means that as an aspiring student, candidates need to select the right course Electronics & Communication Engineering, that offers better career options in the future.

Academic Career Higher Studies M.S & M.E Courses (Communication Systems, Applied Electronics, VLSI Design, Networking and Communication, Image processing, Bio-Medical Engineering, Satellite and Mobile communication etc.,)
Industry Career Core Job Profile
·Design engineer, ASIC Engineer trainee, Jr. Embedded Engineer or Network Support Engineer, Circuit designer, Field Test Engineer, Network Planning Engineer.
·Customer Support Engineer, Associate First line Technician, Research and Development Software Engineer, Service Engineer, Senior Sales Manager, Technical Director
Non-Core Job Software Engineer, Junior Software Engineer, Programmer, .Net Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager, Developer, and Business Analyst
Government Jobs (State and the Central Government)  Defense, Radio, Airport, Railways, Telegraph, IES (Indian Engineering Services)
Own Startup Manufacturing and trading firms on VLSI, Robotics; Nano Technology, Optical Communication, Embedded Systems , Digital Electronics etc.
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