KCG College of Technology is one of the most sought college in Tamil Nadu, India, reputed for its highly qualified and experienced faculty, academic results, research, excellent infrastructure facilities for curricular and co-curricular activities. Renowned for its academic and sports excellence, KCG has left no stone unturned in this arena at both the national and global levels. The Department of Physical Education of KCG opens its doors to fresh talent for the academic year 2025 – 2026. The institution has given prime importance to enroll students who have excelled in sports under the Sports Quota over the years. In KCG, more than 200 students have obtained their Admission through Sports Scholarship since inception and are trained by International players and experts in various fields within campus as part of their regular programme every year.
KCG College of Technology is proud to announce the Selection for Sports Admissions (Engineering) will be conducted offline at our campus.

The Last Date of Online Registration for Sports Scholarship Selection is on 1 June 2025.

Selection Criteria: Student should have performed & achieved accolades at the Nationals, Inter-University and State Levels in any of the following games:

Men & Women: Athletics, Archery, Basketball, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Kabaddi, Horse Riding, Martial Arts, Sailing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Throwball, Target ball, Tennis and Volleyball.

Students should obtain minimum of 45% in PCM(Physics, Chemistry, Maths)

Interested candidates are requested to fill the Online Sports Scholarship Application along with Certificates of Academic and Sports.

For further information, please contact:

Head: Dr.N.Premkumar
Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
KCG College of Technology
Karapakkam, Chennai 600097
Phone : 98407 62975
Email: prem.sports@kcgcollege.com