As per National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guidelines every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
In KCG College of Technology, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in December 2016. It has students and faculty as its members. It monitors the progress in teaching – learning and aims to achieve the Vision and Mission of the College.
- To enhance the quality of students and faculty through constant motivation and by providing excellent ambience for learning
- To provide and upgrade facilities to adopt innovative Teaching-Learning methods, carry out research projects and collaborate with industries
- To ensure that the students and faculty handle administrative procedures with ease
- Conducting development programmes for students and faculty on thrust areas of Engineering and Technology
- Arranging guest lectures on topics beyond syllabus to bridge the gap identified in the syllabus prescribed by the University
- Circulating to students and faculty the information related to National and International Symposium/Conferences organized by other Universities and affiliated institutions
- Arranging Industrial visits and In-plant trainings for students so as to encourage them to undertake industry relevant research projects
- Rewarding students and faculty for publishing research articles in journals of repute and procuring funds from reputed research organisations
- Promote MoUs with industries to improve student placement and carry out industry and society relevant projects
- Devising friendly and realistic procedures to handle administrative tasks
S.No. | Staff Name | Designation | |
1 | Dr. M. Muthukannan | – | Principal |
2 | Dr.Z. Edward Kennedy | – | Dean IQAC & Professor – Mechanical Engineering |
3 | Mrs. R.Maheswari | – | IQAC Member |
4 | Mrs. P.Vinotha | – | IQAC Member |
5 | Mr. C. Suresh Kumar | – | Artificial Intelligence and Data Science |
6 | Mr.I.Manikandan | – | Mechanical Engineering |
7 | Ms.B.Thyla | – | Electronics and Communication Engineering |
8 | Ms. Devi | – | Computer science and Engineering |
9 | Mr. Naren | – | Information Technology |
10 | Ms.G.Jayanthi | – | Fashion Technology |
11 | Dr.A.Arivazhagan | – | Automobile Engineering |
12 | Dr. Jayakumar | – | Mechatronics Engineering |
13 | Mr. C. Aashish | – | Aeronautical Engineering |
14 | Ms.R.L. Lija | – | Civil Engineering |
15 | Dr.S.NaliniJayanthi | – | Science and Humanities |
16 | Ms.K.Buvaneswari | – | Science and Humanities |
17 | Ms. ArunaMaheswari | – | Science and Humanities |
18 | Mr. Arvin Tony | – | Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Activities 2018 – 19
- IQAC organised a ISO 9001:2015 standard requirement training to Process owners and ISO Coordinators towards the Audit process. ISO Recertification on ISO 9001-2015 was obtained through BSI.
- IQAC organized an Awareness Programme on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to the faculty by Dean – CEG, AU. The faculty members clarified their doubts regarding the CBCS curriculum which will be very helpful for them to deliver the same to the students.
- IQAC – students meeting was conducted with the representatives from various departments and their feedback was obtained. The students highlighted that the conduct of third unit test with two marks questions were very useful. The students also requested easy availability of course material and a question bank was given to all the students comprising of possible Part A – 2 Marks Question and Answers and expected Part B Questions from the previous year question papers.
- The students also requested company specific training such as Infosys, Virtusa, GAVS, Zoho, Servion towards their placement which was also conducted. Several Pre-placement Technical training programmes such as RPA, Full Stack, Machine Learning, Avaya and CCNA were conducted to the students. Hackathons were conducted in the campus and the students were also encouraged to take part in various competitions. As a part of their training, through various clubs they won laurels in competitions
- As per the students and faculty suggestions in IQAC meetings, they were categorized as advanced learners and slow learners. Slow Learners were given remedial training based on the University question papers and advanced learners were trained for Coding, competitive exams and various soft skills.
- IQAC conducted several workshops to faculty on Patent drafting, International PhD, writing Effective Research Proposals and Quality Thesis writing. It improved faculty publications and applying funding proposals. Several Proposals were approved by funding agencies like AICTE, DST and ISRO.
- IQAC recommended Project based learning and more students were encouraged to undergo internships to various companies which also helped them for their placements. More MoUs were promoted to cater the requirements of students towards various industries.
- IQAC conducted Academic Audits complying Functioning of DAB, Functioning of PAC, Curriculum GAP Analysis, CO – PO Assessment Process, Result Analysis and Faculty feedback.
- IQAC initiated Lab Audits complying availability and working of equipment. Various quality measures were audited and suggestions were given to improve the same.
Activities 2017 – 18
- IQAC organised a ISO 9001 : 2015 standard requirement training to Process owners and ISO Coordinators on 28.06.2017. All the process owners and ISO Co-ordinators attended the programme and it focused on ISO 9001:2015 standard specifications and requirements. The ISO Auditors training programme was also conducted to facilitate the auditors towards the smooth conduct of audits.
- IQAC students meeting was conducted with the representatives from various departments and their feedback was obtained. The students highlighted that the conduct of third unit test with two marks questions were very useful.
- The students also requested company specific training such as Infosys, Zoho and Servion towards their placement which was also conducted. Several Pre-placement Technical training programmes such as RPA, Full Stack, Avaya and CCNA were conducted to the students. Hackathons were conducted in the campus and the students were also encouraged to take part in various competitions.
- IQAC also conducted several workshops to faculty on writing Effective Research Proposals and Quality Thesis writing. It improved faculty publications and applying funding proposals. Several Proposals were approved by funding agencies like AICTE, DST and ISRO.
- IQAC also initiated Lab Audits complying availability and working of equipments.
- IQAC also suggested to start more new clubs for First Year students and SIGs (Special Interest Groups) for higher semester based on the students interest. The students were given opportunity to learn new ideas and exhibit their talents through these clubs.
- IQAC conducted three internal audits to various departments complying to the Quality standards which facilitated to successful external Audit by BSI. Quality procedures pertaining to ISO 9001 : 2015 were written in suggestion with the various process owners.
Activities 2016 – 17
1. Inauguration
The first meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell was conducted on 08.02.2017. Prof.Dr.T.R.Jagadeesan, expert committee member of IQAC addressed the IQAC Department Coordinators and shared some of his experiences in Quality initiatives
Interaction with Prof.T.R.Jagadeesan, (Former Director),College of Engineering, Guindy
2. Orientation Program
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized two days Training Programme on “Management of Quality Circles for Effectiveness of Educational Institutions” on 22 -06-2017 and 23-06-2017. The training was conducted by team of experts headed by Mr. Mayuranathan, Past Chairman, Quality Circle Forum of India, Chennai Chapter.
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