October 17, 2019 all-day

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the objective of raising awareness of mental health issues, to seek help and support for the people worldwide.

Every year WHO provides with a theme to work on and this year it is “Suicide Prevention”.Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide. It is our role and responsibility to help someone in this world to come out of the suicidal thoughts and to seek help.

Based on the theme “Suicide Prevention” the World Mental Health Day was observed on our campus on 17th October, 2019 between 1.45 pm – 4.15 pm at KMC Auditorium.

Off-stage events Poster-making, Face-Painting, and On-stage events Talk Show and Short Film were conducted on the topic “Suicide Prevention” forI year students. The students took part in the events enthusiastically and show cased their talents and presented their views. Cash Prizes and certificates were distributed to the Prize Winners of the first 3 places.

Mr Ilango, a volunteer from SNEHA Suicide Prevention Centre was the Resource Person for the day. He educated our staff and students on the topic. The session concentrated on signs, symptoms and identification of stress and depression, when and from whom to seek help when a person is depressed andhas suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide, myths and facts about suicide, how to support a person who attempted suicide were highlighted in the session.

The program created an awareness amongst the staff and students on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.