November 7, 2023 all-day

Centre for Transformational Leadership conducted the Workshop on Design Thinking – Session 2 on 7th November 2023. The workshop on Design Thinking: Ideation and Brainstorming was a valuable opportunity to learn about the different techniques and approaches to generating creative ideas. Dr. Anita Manuel, a renowned expert in the field of design thinking, provided a comprehensive overview of the ideation and brainstorming process, highlighting the importance of empathy, collaboration, and experimentation in developing innovative solutions.

Key Takeaways:

Essential Components of Design Thinking:

Ideation and brainstorming serve as vital components of the design thinking process, enabling teams to explore a broad spectrum of potential solutions to a given problem.

Significance of Empathy:

Empathy is identified as a critical factor in generating ideas that are genuinely user-centered, addressing the needs of the targeted audience effectively.

The Power of Collaboration:

Collaboration emerges as an essential element in fostering creativity, encouraging diverse perspectives, and enriching the ideation process.

Role of Experimentation:

Experimentation and prototyping are highlighted as crucial steps, allowing participants to test ideas, gather feedback, and iterate for continuous refinement and improvement.

Workshop Activities:

Participants actively participated in a series of exercises designed to enhance their ideation and brainstorming skills, including:

Empathy Mapping:

Participants developed empathy maps to gain a deeper understanding of the needs, motivations, and pain points of their target users.

Brainstorming Techniques:

Exploration of various brainstorming techniques, such as mind mapping, brainwriting, and round-robin brainstorming, to facilitate the generation of diverse ideas.

Idea Sketching:

Participants visualized their concepts through quick sketches, promoting effective communication of ideas and fostering collaborative discussion.

Design Thinking Challenge:

Dr. Anita Manuel introduced the upcoming Design Thinking Challenge, an exciting opportunity for participants to apply design thinking principles to a real-world problem. The challenge encourages collaborative work, empathy with users, and the development of innovative solutions.

Overall Impression:

The workshop left a lasting impression as a highly engaging and informative experience. Participants not only gained valuable insights into the creative process but also developed practical skills for generating innovative ideas. The session provided a solid foundation for the upcoming Design Thinking Challenge, equipping participants to approach complex problems with a user-centered methodology.