October 28, 2023 all-day

On October 28, 2023, CTL organized an insightful Design Thinking workshop for second-year CTL members, featuring Dr. Anita Manuel as the resource person. The session proved to be both informative and engaging. Commencing with a playful activity titled “Spilling the Secrets,” the workshop effectively fostered a friendly atmosphere and built camaraderie among the participants.

Following the game, Dr. Anita Manuel gave a comprehensive overview of Design Thinking, its principles, and its various applications. She emphasized the importance of understanding the needs of the user and designing solutions that are both effective and desirable.

The workshop then transitioned into a role-playing activity, where the participants were divided into groups and asked to play the roles of students and interviewers. The interviewers were tasked with empathizing with the students by asking them questions about their experiences and challenges. The students were then asked to share their insights with the interviewers.

This role-playing activity was a valuable exercise in empathy, which is a key component of Design Thinking. It helped the participants to see the world from the perspective of others and to identify their needs and pain points.

After the role-playing activity, Dr. Anita Manuel led the participants in a discussion about the various techniques that can be used to implement Design Thinking. She also shared some real-world case studies of how Design Thinking has been used to solve complex problems.

The workshop concluded with a Q&A session, where the participants had the opportunity to ask Dr. Anita Manuel any questions they had about Design Thinking.

Overall, the workshop on Design Thinking was a well-organized and informative session. Dr. Anita Manuel is a knowledgeable and engaging facilitator, and she did a great job of explaining the complex concepts of Design Thinking in a way that was easy to understand