August 31, 2019 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Technical Talk to Motivate the Students for Placement Drives organized by KCG Women’s Coding Club

Venue: Steve Jobs Laboratory, KCG College of Technology
No. of Students Attended: 31
Resource Persons:

Mr. T Deepak and Mr Dinesh B/ System Engineers /Newgen Software
Ms Maria Rasmi Fernado, System Analyst, Infosys


They gave an inspiring talk on how they started their career. They emphasized the importance of self learning and continuous learning. Mr Deepak shared his placement experience and gave a brief insight on different programming languages and also discussed how to write a Resume. Mr Dinesh started the session by asking the students to write a program and explained the different ways to solve the problem. Ms. Maria Rashmi shared her Industry experience and also discussed about the Infosys Placement Process.
The session was an interactive one our students had many question on them. Few were listed over here:
1. What are the certification courses, how this will be useful for placement drive?
2. How to prepare a Resume?
3. How to select a course for higher studies?
4. How to improve their coding skills?
5. Is CGPA performs a major role in placement?

Plan for Next Session#3:
A few non CSE students wanted to learn basics of Programming, have planned to arrange one session for this in the next working Saturday.