SRTI Women’s Day

STRI - WOMEN’S DAY 2020 Stri was envisaged as a celebration of all that makes us women. A time for KCG women to show their talent and prove their mettle! It was a day for them to let down their…

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Mini Project Challenge 2020

An Intradepartmental Mini Project Challenge was organized on 28th Feb 2020, and witnessed a massive response from students of all programmes. More than 400 students participated in the Challenge, displaying 144 innovative projects, reflecting an impressive array of path-breaking ideas.…

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Founder’s Memorial Day 2020

Founder's  Memorial Day 2020 Completing successfully its twentieth year of service in the field of technical education, with a great sense of pride, KCG College of Technology observed the Memorial Day of the Founder Chairman Dr KCG Verghese on 14th…

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VMware VITA DAY (online Course) – 2019

On 8th January, 2020, a  day long  workshop on VMware Technology in a Day (Software Defined Storage Concepts) in association with ICT Academy, was inaugurated at KCG College of Technology by Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department -…

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