February 3, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The department of ECE and IETE organized group discussion contest for the welfare of students to improve the communication skill and to know pros and cons of “Social Media in Today’s World”. The contest was held for the 2nd& 3rdyear students with topic “Social Media in Today’s World”, on 03 Feb 2020 at F06 (Optical and Microwave Lab), between 2.00 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.. Dr. KavithaBalamurugan, Professor & Head/ECE, inaugurated the contest. Fourteen students participated in the event and shared their knowledge on Social Media. Dr. Agnes Nirmala J, Assistant Professor/S&H, KCG College of Technology judged the participants, and shared the points that the participants missed to convey. Mr. R. Dinesh Kumar of 2ndyear A section won the first prize, Mr. Achyu N of 2ndyear A section won the second prize and Mr. D. Shri Vaidya Raghavan of 3rdyear B section worn the third prize. Dr. Jose Anand, Associate Professor/ECE, & IETE Student Forum (ISF) Co-ordinatororganized the event.