November 30, 2018 @ 10:30 am – 3:15 pm

KCG College of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering signed a MoU with National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR). NCCR is an attached office of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India. NCCR was established in Chennai, in the year 1998 for implementing IDA assisted Environment Management Capacity Building Project. Presently, NCCR is continuing its activities in the field of Coastal Research, fully funded by MoES. Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy (Scientist-G), Director NCCR, welcomed the Principal and faculty members of Civil Engineering. Dr. G. Prabhakaran, Principal KCG College of Technology gave an insight about the college. Dr. Uma Sankar Panda (Scientist-E) gave an insight about NCCR. Also he explained about the various projects and research activities undertaken by NCCR in the area of Coastal Research. The MoU was signed by Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy (Scientist-G), Director, NCCR and Dr. G. Prabhakaran, Principal, KCG College of Technology. Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy, Director NCCR appreciated Dr. V. Vandhana Devi / HoD Civil Engineering for putting all her sincere efforts to make this MoU happen between NCCR and KCG.

The main objective of this MoU is to develop collaborative activities in the area of applied research, training and education to foster the development of students. Also the MoU encourages interactions between the Scientists, Research fellows, Faculty members and students of both the institutions. The MoU was signed for 2 years. The event came to a close with a vote of thanks by Dr. V. Vandhana Devi, HoD / Civil Engineering.

Members Present during the signing of MoU:

1.Dr. M.V. Ramana Murthy (Scientist-G), Director, NCCR

2.Dr. G. Prabhakaran – Principal, KCG College of Technology

3.Dr. Uma Sankar Panda (Scientist-E), NCCR

4.Dr. V. Vandhana Devi – HoD/Civil Engineering, KCG College of Technology

5.Mr. R. Deepak – Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, KCG College of Technology

Benefits of the MoU between NCCR & KCG

  1. Close interactions between the Scientists, Research fellows, Students and Faculty members of both the institutions.
  2. Imparting In-plant training at NCCR Campus for B.E. Civil Engineering Students.
  3. Deputation of students for Industrial training and In-plant training on-site will be arranged for NCCR funded projects.
  4. Special technical training will be arranged for both students and faculty members in NCCR campus.
  5. To formulate ministry funded research projects and HRD plans between NCCR and KCG College of Technology.
  6. To utilize various lab facilities and equipments at NCCR, by both students and faculty members of KCG College of Technology.
  7. To exchange scholarly information between Scientist of NCCR and Faculty members of KCG College of Technology.
  8. Publications of Joint Research papers, books and magazines by both the faculties of the respective institutions.
  9. Potential joint funded projects applications and executions between NCCR and KCG College of Technology.
  10. Student projects will be carried out under the guidance of NCCR Scientist.