October 12, 2018 @ 9:00 am – 2:30 pm

In accordance with our Founder LATE-Dr KCG Verghese’s VISION “To make every man a SUCCESS”, our Institution believes in holistic development of our students. Education does not pertain only to academics, but also to an overall development.

Statistics say 373 million youths contribute to our Indian population and to our national development. Youths are increasingly exposed to new methods of communication & technology, unrealistic expectations from Social Medias and unhealthy societal pressures. Untreated and unresolved issues may cause negative effects on their mental and physical health. So, it is very important to realize and understand the mental health issues and to create an awareness to prevent, address and to cope with it.

To create an awareness on Youth Mental Health in a Changing World, the World Mental Health Day was conducted on our Campus by the Office of Student Affairs on 12th October, 2018 between 2 – 4 pm.

Dr Thara Srinivasan, Co-founder & Vice-chairman, SCARF graced the occasion, gave a presentation on “Youth Mental Health” and addressed our students. She judged the SKIT-YOUTH ADDICTIONS staged by our students and distributed the prizes.

The other events on WMH Day:

  1. Debate – “Effects of Social Media on Youth Mental Health”
  2. Poster making – “Mental Health”
  3. Slogan Writing – “Mobile Addictions”

The students participated in the events enthusiastically and it gave them an insight on the WHO theme, 2018.

The program created an awareness amongst the staff and students about the importance of Mental Health, to seek help whenever needed and to BREAK THE SHAME to seek help for Mental Health issues, like any other Physical Illness.