The College has a Faculty Grievance Redress Committee. It looks into the grievances of any staff and redress it.

Functions of the committee:

  • To receive written complaints or emails from staff regarding any kind of grievances and suggest appropriate remedies
  • Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the committee members in person regarding – Work Environment, Faculty Co-ordination, Work overload, Hygiene, Transportation
  • Conduct impartial investigations into the complaints received
  • Facilitate mediation and resolution between the parties involved
  • Provide recommendations for addressing and resolving grievances
  • Submit regular reports to higher authorities on grievance patterns and resolutions
  • To forward recommendations to the Principal for consideration and necessary action

Mechanism for lodging complaint:

The Faculty/Staff may put up a grievance in person / writing to the committee or email to

Committee Members:

S. No. Name Committee Members Phone No. E mail ID
1. Dr. M Muthukannan, Principal Chairman 9965035070
2. Dr. M Krishnamurthy, Head AI&DS and Faculty Affairs, Convenor 9444349150
3. Dr. P Vincent, Registrar & Prof. Member 9443110487
4. Dr. G Prabhakaran, Dean – Academics Member 9840747717
5. Ms. D Revathy, Student Counsellor Member 9840147366
6. Dr. K Karthikeyan, Assoc. Prof. EEE Member 9444036520
7. Dr. Anumula Swarnalatha, Asst. Prof. Aero Member 9884130026

Committee Composition:

The Committee is formed with Principal, Registrar, Dean Academics, Counsellor and faculty members. The term of the committee members is 3 years.

Responsibilities of the Committee Members:

  • Arranges the meeting for the committee members periodically
  • Maintains minutes for every meeting held with committee members
  • Make resolutions during gathering of committee members
  • Provides environment for lodging the complaints from the staff
  • Furnish report on grievance redress position to the Principal
  • Every grievance is expected to be resolved within a reasonably period

Procedure for redress of grievances:

  • The convener of Institute grievance committee, after verifying the facts and the papers concerned and having discussion with the committee members will place the matter before the Institute level committee which shall pass appropriate order in the best possible manner within a reasonable time
  • While dealing with the complaint the committee at all levels will observe law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people
  • While passing an order on any Grievance at any level the relevant provisions of Act/Regulations should be kept in mind and no such order should be passed in contradiction of the same

The Faculty Grievance Redress Cell fosters a healthy and supportive work environment for KCG Faculty / Staff members