March 9, 2024 all-day

The Centre for Transformational Leadership hosted an interactive workshop titled “Building an Innovation Culture with Design Thinking” on March 9, 2024. The workshop aimed to delve into the core principles of design thinking and how they can be leveraged to foster innovation within organizational contexts.

The session commenced with an engaging activity where participants collaborated to compose a team song, setting a collaborative and creative tone for the day. This exercise underscored the workshop’s emphasis on teamwork in the creative process. The workshop featured George Koshi as the Chief Guest, who provided valuable insights into design thinking, highlighting its role in problem-solving and innovation with a human-centered approach.

One of the workshop’s highlights was the interactive tower building activity using spaghetti sticks, which demonstrated how design thinking facilitates effective planning and problem-solving through hands-on experimentation. Participants applied design principles iteratively to construct innovative and sturdy structures, showcasing the practicality of the design thinking process. Additionally, George Koshi elaborated on the Four C’s of design thinking—Coordination, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity—emphasizing their significance in driving innovation within organizations.