National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences and Technology-17(NCACST-17)
A two-day national conference on “Advances in Chemical Sciences and Technology– (NCACST-17)”was organized by the Centre for Material Science in the Department of Science & Humanities of KCG College of Technology, Chennai during February 2ndand 3rd, 2017.
The objective of this Conference is to discuss and understand the recent developments in wide areas of chemical sciences. As well, intend of this Conference is to promote the students to undertake multidisciplinary research in chemistry. The Conference will provide a platform for UG, PG, research scholars and faculty of chemistry to interact with the eminent scientists and professors of repute across the nation.
The inaugural ceremony of the Conference on “Advances in Chemical Sciences and Technology (NCACST-17)” commenced on 2nd, February, 2017 at KCG College Chennai with prayer, followed Kuthuvelakku lightening. Prof Sivaramakrishna Das, S&H formally greeted the gathering and the Principal Dr. G. Prabhakaran delivered the presidential address. The Chief Guest of the function was Prof. Dr. Tech. Murthy Chavali Yadav, Dean of International affairs, VFTSR University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. He made the audience aware of the science academies. He highlighted the importance of advancement in chemical sciences and its impact on technological applications. He stressed the value of research in chemistry and encouraged the participants to take up chemistry as research career.
Dr. R. Lakshmipathy – Convenor gave key aspects about the Conference.