Venue: Sri Sai Ram institute of Technology, West Tambaram, Chennai.
Chief Guest : Er. T.M. Gunaraja, IEI President elect
Guest of Honour: Dr. R. Venkatesan, FIE, Council Member & Chairman IE(I) –KLC
The program was started around 4.30 pm. Executive committee members, students and advisors of IEI students chapter from various colleges in Kancepuram district were attended the meeting.
Dr. Palanikumar, Principal , Sai ram institute of technology welcomed the gathering, Dr. R. Venkatesan, FIE, Council Member & Chairman IE(I) –KLC reported about various activities of IEIKLC.
Er. T.M. Gunaraja, IEI President elect presented the presidential address to the gathering and he encouraged all the student’s chapters for their involvement and participation of technical activities which was conducted by IEIKLC.
Best student of the IEI Students chapter was honoured with Best Student Award IEI KLC-2018 by Er. T.M. Gunaraja, IEI President elect and Dr. R. Venkatesan, FIE, Council Member & Chairman IE(I) –KLC and the students chapter advisors also honoured with shawl with appreciation. On behalf of our college IEI students chapter Mr. Arul inigo raja, Asst Prof /Mech , Advisor, IEI SC –KLC attended the program. Mr. Amit Pothina , Final year Mechanical Engineering Student was nominated for the Best Student award IEIKLC -2018 by Our Head of the Department. With this connection IEIKLC selected Mr. Amit Pothina for best student Award for our College and with pleasure he received the Award from Er. T.M. Gunaraja, IEI President elect.
After the formal ceremony of Students chapter meet was over.2nd Annual General Meeting was conducted by IEIKLCin the same premises. In this Meeting our Head of the Department Dr. S. Ramesh, FIE was nominated and selected by the council and committee members of IEKLC for the post of Executive Committee member for Mechanical engineering division.