August 26, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Unleash the Leader Within


Life is full of its ups and downs. One day, you may feel like you have it all figured out. Then, in a moment’s notice, you’ve been thrown a curve ball. You’re not alone in these feelings. Everyone has to face their own set of challenges. Learning how to overcome challenges will help you stay centred and remain calm under pressure.

Centre of Transformational Leadership conducted a session on OVERCOMING CHALLENGES:HUMAN&TECHNICAL) which was facilitated by Mr. Ram Srinivasan, Co-Founder- Zasti, on Friday, 26th August 2022, which proved to be highly inspirational.

Ms. Muskan P, member of CTL welcomed the gathering. With the introduction of the resource person by Dr. Anita, Dean of Student Affairs, the workshop commenced.

Our Chief Guest shared his past experiences on how to overcome from the challenges faced by the Youths. He shared his personal life experiences, on how he overcame multiple challenges like dyslexia and penury. In spite of many hurdles and failures he persisted and never gave up. He also shared how many companies grew tenfold by understanding what the user wanted, or perceived the product. One example was how in the initial stages, the software companies were trying to compete with each other, till they realised that when 80% of the people still preferred writing on paper, their competitor was paper and pen. He also shared product anecdotes to show that it was important for a product to be user friendly.

The key takeaway was that to be a leader one must lead ourselves; assumptions and familiarities are the biggest foes in one’s path. Another key takeaway was that we should focus on what’s in our control, and not waste time lamenting over what is not in one’s control.  Finally, he said that all his product development was fuelled by design thinking.

A few CTL members expressed the takeaways they received from the workshop. Vote of thanks was given by one of the CTL member Ms. Honnashree. It was a tremendous learning opportunity for all the participants.