Located in the IT corridor, KCG College of Technology has state-of-art infrastructure set within a beautifully landscaped campus. It is only 20 minutes from Adyar, and is well connected by public transport. It is “best engineering college affiliated to Anna University”, accredited A+ by NAAC, and three departments are also accredited by NBA. The college has been listed in the 201-250 band among the engineering institutions in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). Visionary policies have ensured that KCG is one among the best colleges in Chennai, with a proven track record of not only molding industry ready graduates, but also well-balanced human beings. Please go through the rest of the FAQ to have a clear understanding of what makes the college special.

“The faculty are experienced, knowledgeable, friendly, and always ready to clarify doubts. It is one of the few institutions that believes that students should engage in many activities, besides academics, to receive much needed all round exposure, at their own pace without any restriction. This creates a very vibrant campus.”Srini Vasan, 2015 – 2019

Placement training starts in the very first semester. Details of the placements training is available on our site (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/placements/training-cell/). This training coupled with exposure to industry and participation in different activities ensure that the student is ready for placement. Last year, 112 companies came to campus to recruit KCG students (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/placements/recruiters/).
“From day one, I made full use of various learning opportunities that came my way on campus to enhance my existing knowledge. I joined the MUN club and that gave me a chance to interact with my seniors and compete in MUNs happening in other colleges. I took part in hackathons and technical challenges, all of which proved invaluable. A strong Training and Placement Cell meant that various companies held recruitment drives when I was in my fourth year. I got two offers, 4.5 LPA from Virtusa Chennai, and 8.5 LPA from Brillo Technologies. I excitedly wait the next chapter in my life.”Jihaan Basheer, 2016 – 2020

In the ‘AICTE-CII Survey of Industry Linked Technical Institutes 2019’, out of the 9832 institutes across India that participated in the survey, KCG College of Technology is one of the 39 institutes nationwide to be placed in the Platinum Category by AICTE-CII and also has won the award for Electronics & Allied Category. KCG College has maintained the Platinum Category for the past three consecutive years (2017,2018 and 2019). 70 MoU with top industries (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academic-support/mou/), 21 industry supported Centres of Excellence and Training Partners (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academic-support/centreexcell/), 40 Value Added Programmes, are some of the measures KCG College of Technology has taken to ensure that KCG students are industry ready. We receive very good feedback from our recruiters regarding the calibre of our alumni. So, they come to recruit our students year after year. The college has a dedicated Institute – Industry Interaction Cell which arranges internships for students, supports the establishment of CoE in collaboration with industries, oversees Industry Incubation on campus and closely works with the Placement Cell to ensure the students get the best placement opportunities.

“We believe our CoE based Training program with your college helps us to train students to our specific technology needs. Your CISCO course / training for students helped us to select students for Infrastructure projects in the past. I appreciate the genuine efforts to improve the college’s standard by adopting various initiatives like students participating in Smart Hackathons and winning, AICTE – CII Survey, NAAC accreditation, etc.”Murali Babu C, Head – Talent
Acquisition & Workforce Management, GAVS

Holistic Development are not empty words at KCG. The college encourages its students to participate in myriad co-curricular activities. KCG students have won the All India Smart India Hackathon conducted by MHRD three times in a row. The first team was from CSE Dept, the second from ECE Dept, and the third was an interdisciplinary team. Students regularly participate in the SAE and ISNEE contests which offer real-world design challenges and have consistently performed well at the national level (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/about/awards-achievements/#3). KCG students have won the IIT PALS Innowah competition consecutively for the past 5 years. Every year, departments organize technical symposiums, seminars, and workshops. 23 Chapters of Professional Associations (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academicsupport/professional-affiliations/) are active on campus, ensuring students exposure to the expertise of renowned facilitators in every domain

“Our professors have always encouraged us to take part in competitions that enable us to gain experience and develop a healthy competitive spirit. Winning the national level Smart India Hackathon organized by MHRD in 2018 was a dream come true. It would not have been possible if the college had not extended full support to our endeavour to create a portable learning kit for children with Dyslexia. The college assisted us technically and also helped us to work closely with a school for Dyslexic children. The college provides plenty of opportunities to hone the various skills of the students.”Jemi Anugraha, 2015 – 2019

Extra-curricular activities are crucial in the overall development of the student and ensure he or she develops leadership and interpersonal skills. Mr. Maran Nagarajan, CEO of Kaar Technologies told in a recent webinar for students of KCG that all companies, including his, highly value “thought leadership”, the ability to have informed points of view and the skill to communicate it effectively. This is why we encourage our students to organize and participate in unique high-end events like Hindustan Young Leaders Conference (HYLC) and TEDx.

“I had the fortune of being introduced to the Hindustan Young Leaders Conference at KCG College in my first year of study and I eventually went on to lead it as Secretary General in my final year. HYLC which happens under the aegis of the Dean of Student Affairs has played a large part in my personal development, as it helped me pick up soft skills like communication, negotiation, leadership, networking, public speaking and more importantly, the ability to dive deep and research on various topics and subjects. This skill-set was handy in helping me win ‘Talk Your way to Japan’ in 2017 and stay two weeks in Japan interacting with many Japanese leaders and professionals, entirely free. All that I learnt through HYLC is still useful in my pursuance of a Master’s degree at Politecnico di Torino, Italy.”Aravind N, 2014 – 2018

KCG has more than 20 clubs flourishing on campus (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academic-support/clubs/). Whatever your interest, you can find a club. These clubs are a dynamic space to learn and have fun.

“Choosing KCG for my undergrad was one of the best decisions I’ve taken. I joined the Dance club in my first year and soon became part of the college dance team. My Department of Civil Engineering encouraged me to follow my passion for dancing in every possible way and also motivated me to balance my academics and exams with my love of dancing. I was participating in a dance competition the day before my placement drive and got selected by Zoho. Here at my workplace too, we have events where I perform, and I am part of the Zoho dance team. I know how to balance my work and my dance, thanks to my college. I’d recommend KCG for anyone who wants a proper college experience.”Narayanan Alagar, 2014 – 2018

While most of the colleges do not permit the use of mobile phones, KCG College of Technology understands that students need phones so that parents can get in touch with them. Also, the present generation uses phones to google information, write and even read. With this in mind, the institution permits limited usage of mobile phones while taking care to ensure academic proficiency.

“While usage of mobile phones is not permitted inside the academic building unless a classroom activity specifically requires it, we are free to use our mobile phones in the campus grounds, canteen, hostel and college buses. Many of us use our smart phones to access our assignments, and view video lectures. For students with long bus commutes, spotify and wynk on their mobile phones helps to relax. Though, of course, we use headphones so as not to disturb others.”Snegha Ramesh, current
III year student.

At the department level in KCG College of Technology, every student is assigned a faculty mentor, who counsels and mentors the student through his/her four years in college. Beyond this, the Office of Student Affairs at KCG college of Technology is dedicated to looking after the welfare of the students. The team includes a professional counsellor, who offers empathetic and effective counselling for students facing any problem. The students are also free to approach the Dean of Students, who keeps in close touch with the student community to understand their needs

“The Office of Student Affairs was always a pillar of strength, support and encouragement in college. After twelve years in the same school, it was a challenge to adjust to a new environment. The Dean of Students impressed upon me the importance of learning to adjust and adapt, that this was an important life skill. The door to the Dean’s office was always open to us students, and I specially benefited from the counselling and mentoring I received there. The Office of Student Affairs was also instrumental in honing my organizational and communication skills. It is these skills that give you an edge in the long run, be in terms of landing a job, or in terms of climbing the corporate ladder at work.”Ayush R, 2013 – 2017

KCG College of Technology has safe and secure hostel facilities within the campus for both boys and girls. Both the hostels are provided with dining halls, uninterrupted RO water supply, internet connection, indoor recreation, and 24/7 medical facility. The wardens look after the students in every way to ensure a home away from home. The hostel students are also permitted to use the gym, the sports grounds, and the library after college hours. The students can visit their parents / guardians during holidays after obtaining due permission. Even during the lockdown, we kept the hostel open for students who could not travel home.

“Our ward told me that the College authority took utmost care of hostel students during COVID -19 pandemic, a medical team also engaged in the campus. Respected Sir, I dedicate my hearty thanks to Chairperson, Principal, Head of the Departments and all dedicated professors, management staffs, medical team, Hostel Warden Sir, Hostel House keepers, Security Squad, sanitation workers and co students of KCG College of Technology for extending extreme care of distressed students.” Excerpt from thank you email sent by S Shanmuganathan, Port Blair

KCG College of Technology offers “Best B.Tech in Fashion Technology course in Chennai” (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academicsupport/professional-affiliations/). The department has state of art labs and well experienced faculty. The course not only aims to inculcate technical and managerial expertise with a creative edge, it gives the students’ knowledge to run a sustainable fashion business. They gain expertise across the apparel supply
chain from designing and sourcing to marketing and managing brands.

“I consider myself very lucky to have joined B.Tech in Fashion Technology at KCG College of Technology. I have engaged in various mini projects with industrialists in the fashion field and also multidisciplinary projects. We as a team designed and showcased our first collection at Madras Coutre Fashion Week 2019. Throughout the year, we do short term courses and value added programmes on latest designing software and illustration methods and different technology used in the industry. We were fortunate to get paid internships at a sports firm in the first year itself due to our skill sets in 3D virtual garment software.” Surya Bharath, current II year student.

KCG College of Technology has a very active sports department with well-maintained courts (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/facilities/sports/). In fact during weekends, many corporates request the use of our sports grounds. We are perhaps the only institution with a Horse Riding club (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academic-support/clubs/#id33). Any interested student can learn horse riding. We also have a well-equipped gym (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/facilities/gymnasium/), where students can work out. In fact, some of our students are weight lifters and boxing champions. We are happy to see our students engage in sports because it teaches discipline, focus, team spirit and time management.

“Sportsmanship cannot be taught; it can only be gained through a way of life that is sports. What is sportsmanship? Fair and generous behaviour, the ability to look out for each other, not just think of one’s own well-being but be there for all. I play basketball and all of us along with our Physical Director, we are close like a family. But sports can be demanding, so we need to be able to balance academics and sports.” R Nitish Kannan, current III year student

KCG College of Technology has been offering B.E in Aeronautical Engineering since the year 2007 and B.E in Aerospace since 2019 (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/aeronautical-engineering-new/). The infrastructure can be rated among the best in the country and the teaching faculty are well experienced and highly capable. KCG College of technology belongs to Hindustan Group of Institutions who are pioneers in Aeronautical Engineering for the past 50 years.

“The Aeronautical Department of KCG is the backbone of what I have become today. They gave me the freedom to develop holistically. I took part in many technical symposiums, oratorical contests, events like HYLC, as well as athletic competitions. The support offered by my department helped me get and pursue my internship on MBSE with Safran India. It was the first step to fulfill my career dreams, as I secured a job with Safran India based on my performance during the internship. The fulfillment of my dream to become a successful aeronautical engineer started from the first day of stepping into aeronautical department.” Viswa Vijayakumar, 2013- 2017

KCG has a strong CSR wing, as well as active chapters of NSS (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academicsupport/national-service-scheme-nss/), NCC (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/academic-support/national-cadet-corpsncc/), Ys Men, Engineers Without Borders (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/outreach/engineers-without-borders/) and Rotaract wings on campus. The CSR wing of KCG College of Technology has adopted 5 villages under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Scheme (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/about/uba/). The villages adopted are Pattikadu, Irumbedu, Acharavakkam, Echoor and Puliyur. The college has carried out activities such as infra structure development, technology to help farmers, first aid training, electronics for school children and helping form women self-help group. Other cells like NSS, and EWB, also engage in regular social outreach programs including activities like tree plantation, seed ball preparation, first aid awareness programs, educating farmers on technological support. The institution has been recognized as a green campus and has been awarded the “Green Institutional Mentor Award” by MHRD. All of these inculcate among students, a sense of service.

“I always wanted to do something for kids who do not get the opportunity to be educated. Under the Entrepreneurship as well as CSR wings of KCG, I got the right chance to form an NGO named Sinthanai Sei, which focuses on educating and mentoring underprivileged students and also to work
on other civic initiatives like environment, road safety, animal welfare, etc. By the time I completed my Electronics and Instrumentation undergraduate programme, I had placement offers from Infosys and 6 other companies. Groomed with Entrepreneurship skills by then, I decided to reject my campus offers to pursue my passion. I now consult for NGOs, Social ventures, Entrepreneurship cells in colleges; mentor IIT & IIM incubation projects; promote Sustainability, Minimalism and Environmental friendly lifestyle under my commercial venture Consulpreneur.”
– Divya S, 2012 – 2016

Any informed person will tell you that there are more than enough jobs. Vacancies for engineers abound. Problem lies with the fact that aspiring engineers are not trained to have the skills that the industry requires. It is therefore important to choose an institute that maintains close connect with the industry to understand their requirements. At KCG, we realize that academics is only a part of what the student needs. Our prime focus is on building strong understanding of fundamentals and then imparting specific industry required skills to our students through various skill development initiatives. Self-learning, ability to learn independently are going to be the key to success. Hence, the college ensures that students imbibe the skill and attitude necessary for life-long learning.

“Hello everyone. I graduated from the CSE Department of KCG College of Technology. I am currently working in L&T Technology Services as an Associate Engineer. I got the job offer through a special initiative-TECHgium, an open-innovation initiative conducted by L&T Technology Services, limited among some select group of institutes. I was lucky that KCG is one of them. KCG offers you not only the freedom to pursue your co-curricular interests but also offers you guidance and support in that field. I was interested in coding and was a Hackathon fanatic. With the help and guidance at KCG, I was able to participate on equal standing with some of the top institutes in India. KCG can literally help you go places.” Infant Sam Christian, 2015 – 2019

Every course has its own challenges, so one cannot really claim that EEE is more difficult than other courses. B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) offered by KCG College is one of “the best in engineering college in chennai” (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/eee-new/). The department is one among 21 Institutes in the platinum category of AICTE CII Survey of Industry Linked Technical Institutes 2019. It is an AICTECII National award winner for “Best Industry Linked Electrical Engineering and Allied Institute in 2017”. It has won the “Sustainable Institute Industry partnership Award” from SEED Education. The department has Permanent affiliation to Anna University and recognized as Research Centre by Anna University. The department boasts of over Rs.150 lakhs worth funded and consultancy projects from leading organisations and core industries such as DST, NIWE, CVRDE, IEI, AICTE, HITACHI, and RAMBAL. It has initiated Industrial collaboration with the University of LEEDS, UK for Newton Bhabha Funded Project.

“We can neither physically see electricity nor imagine a life without it, which triggered a strong interest and passion within me towards the subject. I consider EEE as the blood of innovation and studying it in one of the best colleges like KCG has made my journey a bliss and it has enhanced my skills to become a competitive and industry-ready engineer. If you are interested and curious, it’s definitely a fascinating world. For me, four years in KCG has been a complete bliss with the greatest support of faculty members who had constantly motivated and pushed the boundaries of what I thought I could accomplish. I got great opportunities to learn beyond the curriculum, which made sure I was industry ready. Currently, I am working with Vestas Technology R & D, Chennai.”Suba Deve, 2014 – 2018

Department of ECE at KCG is an NBA accredited department (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/ece/). It was awarded Best Industry Linked Technical Institute – Electronics & Allied Stream by AICTE-CII in the year 2019. It has MoU with reputed organizations like Robert Bosh Engineering and Business Solutions, Intel, Data Patterns, GAVS Private Limited, VESTEL Communications, MedIndia Pvt Ltd, BSNL, etc. Ensuring exposure to real world problem through funded research projects and other activities has led the students being placed in premier organizations such as Cognizant, Data Patterns, Infosys, Capgemini etc. The effectiveness of the ecosystem is borne out by the fact that ECE students won 1st place in Smart India Hackathon consecutively in 2018 and 2019, as well as 2nd place in IEEE SS12 consecutively for the year 2018 in Srilanka and 2019 in Bangkok.

“ECE students can boast of many achievements and the department has received many honours. But I want to appreciate the care taken by the department for students like me who struggle with academics. Every faculty gave me extra help, conducted remedial sessions before model and semester exams which any interested student could attend. With constant motivation and encouragement, I cleared all my exams. But when I graduated in May 2018, I was one of those students who did not get a job. I continued to get placement support mails regarding campus and off-campus drives till I received an offer in October 2018 from Sanmina SCI Pvt Ltd. Whatever I am today, I owe to my wonderful department.”S Karthik, 2014 -2018

The Department of Civil Engineering (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/civil/) has placed each and every one of its eligible students year after year. Started in 2011, the department ensures the quality of its graduates through seminars, conferences, workshops, symposium, value added programmes, inplant trainings, and internships. The department has MOU with Builders Association of India, Indian Plumbing Association, and National Centre for Coastal Research. All of this ensures that students are trained with the latest software and recent construction practices, making them industry ready, leading to the Department’s enviable placement record.

“College life is one of the most important and beautiful part of anyone’s life and as a Civil Engineering student, mine was amazing. We were given lots of opportunities to learn, experience and understand things beyond academics, through the industry connect of the department. By this industry collaboration, 100% of my batch students were placed and I am now a Steel Design Engineer in a leading Design Consultancy. What I am today, is due to the complete learning experience at my department and college.”Ravichander, 2015 – 2019

The Department (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/eie/) ensures that its students become competent in the stratum of Instrumentation Engineering by providing empirical proficiency. There is definite scope, as more and more industries become automated. E & I students of KCG are well placed in companies like Tata Communications Ltd, L&T Technology Services, GAVS, RLT, TVS Fasteners, Infosys, RAM E&I
Systems, to name a few. In 2019, the highest placement offer on the entire campus was for an E & I student!

“In this modern age of industrialization especially Industry 4.0, instrumentation will play a predominant role since automation and control system are the heart of all modern machines. I consider this the most relevant choice and for me the EIE department is like a second home. The
faculty including HoD helped shape my skills. Their support and motivation helped me to become an Associate Engineer with L& T Technology Services in Chennai,”
Srinivasaraghavan, 2015 – 2019

The Mechanical Engineering department (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/mechanical-new/) is ranked one among the top 21 Institutes by AICTE – CII and recognized in PLATINUM CATEGORY. It is accredited by NBA in the revised norms since June 2017. It has permanent affiliation to Anna University and is recognized as Research Centre. Year after year, students actively participate in SAE-BAJA and SUPRA, FFS-FMAE, ISNEE-QUADTORC, GOKART and PALS INNOWAH project competitions and win individual and team awards. Student’s level projects funded by DST –IEDC, AICTE (RPS), IE(I),TNSCST, IIT PALS and NRDC form another source of invaluable experience. The department has initiated Industrial collaboration with the NORD Drive Systems, ALFA Machine Tools, Anugraha Castings, EAAGLE VIEW, CDCE Factory Automation and Robotics, Bosch Automotive, which helps them to facilitate internships in tandem with the Institute-Industry interaction Cell
“The Mechanical Department at KCG has an excellent student-teacher interaction which brings the best from each and every one of us. They involve us in a lot of individual and industrial projects which will help us learn not only the theoretical part but also the practical one which will help us sustain in the competitive world. With their strong support and guidance, we had manufactured a Formula Student Vehicle which had bagged 5/9 awards of FMAE FFS INDIA 2018. Moreover, this knowledge had helped me out to get a job at Halliburton, Singapore as R&D Engineer with a very good salary structure.”- Agasthya R, 2014 – 2018

Accredited by NBA, the department is also a recognised research centre (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/computer-science-engineering-new/). Value Added Programmes like AWS & Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, CCNA & Cyber Security Certification and Java Full Stack Development, active student chapters of IET (UK), CSI and ISTE, four major industry supported Centres of Excellence, close connect with industries like Infosys, CISCO, DELL EMC, VMWare, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Servion Global Solutions, GAVS Technologies, NOKIA Solutions and Networks, IIT PALS (IIT Alumni Network), Hexaware Technologies, ensure that CSE students of KCG are sought after. Some of the industries that offer incubation on campus are Zoho, Virtusa, Hexaware, GAVS and Infosys.
“Enrolling into the Computer Science and Engineering Department at KCG College has been the best decision I’ve made. The department provided us the guidance and platform to understand and work on the latest technologies like IoT, ML, and AI. The department connected us directly with many industries to understand their actual demand. Experienced faculty and in-house tech based product development centres helped turn our ideas into prototypes. We competed in Hackathons and Make-a-thons both on campus and external contests. The IET student chapter also helped to develop needed skills. The culmination was when we won the Smart India Hackathon Challenge in 2017. Winning it meant that job offers poured in for all the members of the team! I accepted the offer from Zoho and is currently employed there as a Solution Architect.”Prashant Kumar, 2014 – 2018

Yes, the IT department at KCG (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/information-technology-new/) is accredited by NBA and students benefit from industry incubation model. It is closely associated with a number of industries like Infosys, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Servion Global Solutions, GAVS Technologies, NOKIA Solutions and Networks, IIT PALS (IIT Alumni Network), Hexaware Technologies. It provides the following Value Added Programmes: AWS & Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, CCNA & Cyber Security Certification and Java Full Stack Development. The students are actively involved in student chapters of professional assocaitions like like IET, IAENG and CSI. The department has received the Best CSI Chapter Award for two consecutive years (2018 – 2020). Some of the industries that offer incubation on campus to train students are Zoho, Virtusa, Hexaware, GAVS and Infosys.
“Joining KCG for my graduation in Engineering in Information Technology has been a vital decision of my career. The knowledge and skills I have received during my 4 years has helped me shape up my career in a better way. The knowledge gathering platform that KCG provided outside the classroom walls was of immense help, both to learn programming skills and also enhance my communications skills, which I fully appreciate in my current job with the Robotics Automation and Data Science division, Genpact, Bengaluru. I wish KCG continues to provide the amazing platform to all students”Dibakar Paul, 2010 – 2014

Yes, the Department is indeed proud of its state-of-the-art laboratories (https://kcgcollege.ac.in/departments/automobile-engineering-new/). Please do visit the campus to see for yourself. The Department has signed MoU with Mando Automotive India Private limited, X1 Racing League, tied up with BOSCH, ACMA etc and established Centre of Excellence through KCG – BOSCH Joint certification centre which helps the students to upgrade their skill and receive industry validated certification. The Driving Simulator helps to enhance driving skill on various road conditions. Hands on training in Ford, Hyundai, Nissan vehicles, BMW engine and Benz transmission system are some of the special features of the Automobile Engineering Department at KCG to help students enrich their knowledge.
“My experience here in the Automobile department at KCG is that I am learning a lot apart from curriculum through value added programs, guest lectures from the industries experts,internships and inplant trainings facilitated by the department’s industry connect. The faculty are friendly and supportive to students in all activities. KCG – BOSCH Joint certification centre is a definite plus in my search for knowledge. The department further encourages professional activity through the SAE INDIA, a great platform for students to enrich their knowledge in the automotive field. I am looking forward to participating in the national level SAE competitions, in which the college has been making a mark every year.”S Darshan, current II year student

Mechatronics is an exciting new programme, in response to industry demand for professions who excel in multidisciplinary domains like mechanical, electrical, electronics and computer science. The diligently designed programme includes Robotics, CNC machines, Embedded systems, Sensors and Artificial Intelligence. Students of this programme are going to be future ready. If you join today, when you emerge four years later, you will find yourself equipped with the knowledge and skills that the industry wants, a professional competent in multiple domains.
“In my well-considered opinion, there is a misconception that Mechatronics is a ‘specialization’ programme. In reality, it is a general engineering programme that enables overall understanding of all engineering domains and focuses on some cutting-edge applications like robotics and
automation. I feel this framework will promote innovation and creativity, enabling engineers to adapt themselves to the dynamic technological changes taking place.”
Dr D Dinakaran, Professor and Head, Centre for Automation and Robotics, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.

So many sweeping changes are predicted in the forthcoming years, it is crucial that emerging professionals have the ability and the readiness for life-long learning. This is why along with Value Added Programmes in emerging technologies, at KCG, we encourage a wide range of activities that ensure a desire to learn, a belief in the joy of learning.
“I am sure Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Big data, Block chain, Digital manufacturing, Renewable resources, Virtual reality and IoT specialisations will play a vital role in Manufacturing, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Transportation, Energy and Healthcare sectors. It is good that KCG has aligned their curriculum and learning practices towards these upcoming domains. Many of the present jobs may not exist in the near future due to technology transformation. It is very difficult to include everything in the curriculum; instead we should promote self-learning abilities among students.”Dr D Dinakaran, Professor and Head, Centre for Automation and Robotics, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.

KCG College of Technology was one among the first institutions to actively support entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu. Currently, Technology Business Incubator (TBI) functions on campus to help technology startups. It provides space at a subsidized rate, and connects the incubates to relevant industry mentors. KCG College of Technology also boasts of a very robust IEDC. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has established ‘MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). KCG-MIC has also received four Golden stars. KCG graduates have founded or co-founded nearly 150 startups in the past 10 years.
“IEDC provided a stage to promote my theoretical concepts into innovative ideas and helped to make those ideas into products that are ready for the market. The incubation process helped me to understand and learn market strategies, as well as the important aspects of becoming an entrepreneur. Importantly, I learnt what it takes to create a startup from an idea.”– Joseph A,2015- 2019, Geneques Incorporation

KCG Connect is a registered alumni association, formed by the alumni as a network to support each other and also to give back to their alma mater. Alumni remain in close touch with the College and come back to campus to give guest lectures, conduct workshops, hold career guidance seminars and mock interviews, and even help with internships and placement. We have alumni all over the world and KCG alumni have made their name not only in the technical field but also in different domains, ranging from defense forces to civil servants to entertainment industry! There are regular alumni meets, and we are very proud of our alumni.
“Besides the knowledge I gained from classes at ECE Dept, I learnt how to define problems, conduct research, analyze criteria, find and analyze solutions, and make decisions through a number of department activities and projects. I was very active in culturals which was so much fun. I believe that it takes a village to get the show to go on, and dedication to make it a successful one. I passed out of KCG college in 2010, all eager for the new decade and to start working to fill up my bank account. In the process I didn’t get the chance to really appreciate all the people who helped me evolve into a fine graduate. I realized I have a lot to give back to my college, the same way I received. So, I joined KCG Connect and it helped me to remain in touch with my batchmates, my seniors, juniors and my faculty. In 2019, I became an office bearer of the Alumni Association KCG Connect, and I look forward to supporting current students in whatever way I can.”– Aarcha Jijo, Tata Consultancy Services – Business Process IT Analyst

KCG College of Technology, during admission offers a range of merit scholarships based on their school academic scores and their other talents. Students admitted under sports quota are given upto 100% scholarship in tuition fees and hostel accommodation. There is a very good internal mechanism to encourage and help students apply for various government scholarships. KCG College of Technology also offers Merit Scholarships to students who do well in their studies but require financial assistance. There are also cash awards for university rank holders, as well as college toppers in each semester. Some of the other cash award and honoured categories are Young Leadership Award, Breaking the Barrier Award, Best Sports Person, Best Cultural Performer, Best Researcher, Best NCC Cadet, Best Department Performer, and the most prestigious of all, Best Outgoing Student Award.
“First of all, I should thank Almighty God for making miracles happen in my life despites the hardships I have gone through. For the last two years my family has been economically down so that paying college fees became an over-whelming burden that couldn’t be handled and I would
have been forced to discontinue my studies for that reason. If the scholarship hadn’t been sanctioned, by now I would have been a drop-out. My heartfelt thanks to the college management for awarding me the MERIT-CUM-MEANS SCHOLARSHIP offered by Dr KCG Memorial Trust. The college has also gave me an opportunity of paid internship training during 2019 summer which I utilized for good, thanks to my department. Now, I’ve got placed in a core company [Johnson Controls]. Luckily this time also, I got the scholarship sanctioned. Literally there are no words to describe my happiness. This personally helped me, boosting my self-confidence and motivated me to perform academically and professionally well.”
Koushik B, 2016 – 2020