The college has been recognized as a “Scientific and Industrial Research Organization” (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India. The college has been granted with “12B” status of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
These recognitions have enhanced funding opportunities from government and other agencies to conduct research and development that are of national relevance and importance.
KCG College of Technology encourages interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas and knowledge in various related fields. Admissions to Ph.D. programs at KCG College of Technology – Anna University approved Research Center are conducted twice a year, for January and July sessions. A Ph.D. program is offered in two modes- Full Time and Part Time. Coursework, participation in various interactions, submission of progress reports through presentations etc. on regular basis has to be carried out during the program.
The Ph. D regulations can be found at the following link: Regulation 2020

Inauguration of the Second International Conference on Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICIATI) on 24-06-2023

Valedictory of Second International Conference on Integration of Advanced Technologies for Industry 4.0 (ICIATI) on 24-06-2023

SERB Sponsored Five-Day Faculty Empowerment Program on Integration of AI and IoT for Industry towards Atmanirbhar Bharat

Five Days FDP on Scope of Quality Research for Funded Projects and High Impact Publications on 24th to 28th February 2023

Five Days FDP on Scope of Quality Research for Funded Projects and High Impact Publications on 24th to 28th February 2023

Five Days FDP on Scope of Quality Research for Funded Projects and High Impact

Best Research Paper winners of ICIDSET

Proceedings release during inaugural session of ICIDSET

Valedictory function of ICIDSET

Proceedings release during inaugural session of ICICA

Five Days FDP on Scope of Quality Research for Funded Projects and High Impact

Dr. M. Krishnamurthy, Professor, Department of CSE at International Conference on IHIS, Kuwait
The Centre is looking after the recognition of Departments and for collaborative research with Industrial Units/R&D centres. It is also providing a platform for the faculty members to interact with other experts in their area of specialization within India and abroad which provide an opportunity for others to understand the research quality of KCG College of Technology and also pave way for scientific collaboration. Research Center was established with the aim of accelerating research, publications, consultancy and to get funded projects in various areas. The collegeis actively involved in research and development. Funds have been received by the college from variousfunding agencies namely -All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Micro, Small andMedium Enterprises (MSME), Department of Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology(TNSCST), National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Department of Science and Technology (DST),Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment(CVRDE), Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), India Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and from professional societies- IET, IEI, IEEE. Research collaborations with foreign universities is also being carried out.
Around 74 research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. programme at the Center. Around 16 teaching staffs/experts are recognized as approved supervisors by Anna University for guiding research scholars.
Sl.No. | Name of the PhD scholar | Name of the Department | Name of the Guides | Title of the Thesis | Year of registration of the scholar | Year of award of PhD |
1 | Ms.S.Umamaheswari | ECE | Dr.J.Raja Paul Perinbam | Improved performance for irregular network-on-chip architectures. | 2009 | 2015 |
2 | Ms. BennilaThangammal C | ECE | Dr. Raja Paul Perinbam | A cross layer approach for energy Efficient secured data transmission In wireless sensor network | 2009 | 2015 |
3 | Mr.D.Joseph Jeyakumar | ECE | Dr. Raja Paul Perinbam | Algorithms for low power implementation of hearing aids | 2009 | 2016 |
4 | Mr.T.Manikandan | EEE | Dr. N. Bharathi | A study on computer aided diagnosis systems for lung cancer detection and its three dimesional visualization using machine learning techniques | 2010 | 2017 |
5 | Mr Viswanathan. R | MECH | Dr Ramesh S | Turning Investigation and Performance Analysis In Machining Of Magnesium Alloy | 2013 | 2017 |
7 | Ms. Z. Brijet | EEE | Dr. N. Bharathi | Modeling and Design of Controllers for Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit | 2010 | 2018 |
8 | Ms. A. Lakshmi Sangeetha | EEE | Dr. N. Bharathi | Performance Analysis of cascade control system through variousnetwork Architectures | 2010 | 2018 |
9 | Mr. Subburam V | MECH | Dr. S. Ramesh | Some studies on electrochemical machining of alloys and composites | 2009 | 2018 |
10 | Mr. K. Suresh Kumar | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamurthy | A Novel Framework Design For Mutual Authentication Using Image Captcha | 2011 | 2019 |
11 | Mr.L. Prince Jeya Lal | MECH | Dr. S. Ramesh | Effect of inclusion of nano-silica and mechanical behaviour of glass epoxy composites | 2015 | 2019 |
12 | Mr. Anbarasan | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamurthy | Improved Secure Communication in MANET Using Trust Enhancement for Reliable Routing | 2016 | 2019 |
14 | Mr. Balu. P | MECH | Dr. M. Kannan | Study of Thermal behaviour of Synthetic Fiber Composite Materials | 2013 | 2019 |
15 | Mr. Paramaguru G | MECH | Dr. M. Kannan | Experimental and Theoretical Analysis on Biomass Gasification System using Biomass Wastes | 2015 | 2019 |
16 | Mr.Arun Kumar | MECH | Dr. M. Kannan | Performance studies on Diesel Engine with Castor seed and pumpkin oil methyl ester using exhaust gas recirculation | 2015 | 2019 |
17 | Mr. Sharath Babu | MECH | Dr.M.Kannan | Performance studies on diesel engine with castor seed and pumpkin oil methyl esterusing exhaust gas recirculation | 2015 | 2019 |
18 | Mr. S.N.Sivaraj | EEE | Dr. N. Bharathi | Certain Investigation on Advanced Control strategies for Nonlinear process | 2012 | 2019 |
19 | Ms. Sivakamasundari | EEE | Dr. N. Bharathi | Analyzing the Performance of Nanoparticles DispersedTransformer Oil Under Non Standard Transient Voltages | 2010 | 2020 |
21 | Ms. Monisha M | ECE | Dr. V. Thulasi Bai | Classification Algorithms for Effective detection and Prevention of the Melanoma and Benign skin Lesion | 2017 | 2020 |
22 | Mr. Ashok Kumar | ECE | Dr. Suresh. A Dr. Thulasi Bai Professor (Joint-Supervisor) | Video summarization using human behavior analysis | 2009 | 2020 |
23 | Mr. Anand | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamoorthy | An Efficient Energy Optimization Routing Protocol for Enhancing Network Performance in Mobile Ad-hoc Network | 2011 | 2020 |
24 | Mr. M. Madhan | MECH | Dr. G. Prabhakaran | Self-Healing Behavior of Microwave Sintered Al2O3/SiC Structural Ceramics | 2014 | 2020 |
25 | Mr.Syam Narayan.S | MECH | Dr.Asad ahmed | Experimental investigation on the effect of fluid structure interaction in mav (micro air | 2016 | 2021 |
26 | Mr.Vidyasagar.B.S | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamoorthy | Analysis of Resource Mangement Schemes Using Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Hadoop Cluster in Cloud Computing | 2015 | 2021 |
27 | Mr.I.Babu | ECE | Dr.Deepa Jose | Hybrid fusion of Machine learning algorithm and Chaotic countermeasures for Side-channel attack using Reconfigurable architecture | 2017 | 2021 |
28 | Ms.R.Gayathri | EEE | Dr.P.DeivaSundari | Influence of the titania nanoparticles and surfactant in the mixture | 2017 | 2021 |
29 | Dr.S.Bairavel | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamoorthy | Unstructured Data Analysis of Social Network Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis | 2008 | 2021 |
30 | Mr.A.Maheshkumar | MECH | Dr.M.Kannan | Experimental study of the performance emission and combustion characteristics of thermally insulated diesel engine fuelled by waste orange peel oil | 2015 | 2022 |
32 | Ms.Ammal Dhanalakshmi | EEE | Dr.P.DeivaSundari | Feasibility analysis of wind driven modular compresses air storage system for microscale application | 2017 | 2022 |
33 | Dr. Asad Ahmed | Aero | Dr. Thanigai arasu | Jet control studies using slanted perforated tabs | 2010 | 2014 |
34 | Dr. R.Murugan | EEE | Dr. M. R.Mohan | Improved Algorithm for Thermal and Co-generation System | 2007 | 2014 |
35 | Dr. Amos H Jeeva Oli | ECE | Dr. R. Rani Hemamalini | Efficient FPGA implementation of wireless Transceiver | 2010 | 2014 |
36 | Prof. Dr. P. Siva Ramakrishna Das | S&H-Maths | Dr. Vishwanathan | Fuzzy algebraic structures | 2012 | 2015 |
37 | Dr. Easu. D | MECH | Dr.A.Sidharthan | Vibration isolation of single and two degree of freedom quarter car model with the use of hybrid magnet and magnetorheological damper | 2007 | 2015 |
38 | Mr. M. Narasimha | MECH | Dr. S Ramesh | Experimental Study about Effect of Coating on Carbide Inserts | 2012 | 2016 |
39 | Ms. G. Jayanthi | ECE | Dr.V.Thulasi Bai | A Security Framework for Enhancing Security in Virtual Private Network | 2009 | 2016 |
40 | Ms. J. Mohana | ECE | Dr. V. Thulasi Bai | Biometric Monitoring System for Multi Sensor Multi-modal Node Architecture | 2011 | 2016 |
41 | Dr. Nalini Jayanthi | S&H- Physics | Dr. Prabhakaran | Growth and characterization of Non-Liner Optical TLH,GCS, MCS, and LHP Crystals | 2011 | 2016 |
42 | Dr. Bhuvaneswari Aravind | S&H- Physics | Dr. G .Sasikala | Growth and Characterization of theorem based transition metal complexes for NLO applications | 2010 | 2016 |
43 | Dr. N. Vanathi | S&H-Maths | Dr. A. Praveen Prakash | Fuzzy Analysis of Occupational hazards of traffic police and its impact on individual and society | 2012 | 2016 |
44 | Dr. Kanimozhiraman | S&H-Maths | Dr. A. Praveen Prakash | Fuzzy Analysis of old age problems for Quality Life | 2012 | 2016 |
45 | Dr. R G Geethu Mani | S&H- Physics | Dr. Basheer Ahamed | Distributed Feedback laser based on energy transfer between a mixture of dyes in liquid and solid media | 2009 | 2017 |
46 | Dr. Narenshankar | Aero | Dr. Thanigai arasu | effect of lip thickness and bypass rato on characteristics of co-flowing jets | 2011 | 2017 |
47 | Dr. Deepa Jose | ECE | Dr. P. Nirmal Kumar | Integrated Framework For Design Of Adaptive And Reliable Fault Tolerant System-On-Chip Using Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration | 2010 | 2017 |
48 | Dr. N. Jose parvinpraveena | S&H-Maths | Dr.A.Praveen Prakash | Construction of a new fuzzy number by means of its Hex decagonal shapes due to uncertainty | 2014 | 2018 |
49 | Dr. M. Geethalakshmi | S&H-Maths | Dr. A. Praveen Prakash | Optimal Path through Trident and Sub-Trident Forms using Fuzzy Numbers | 2014 | 2018 |
50 | Dr. Sankar S | CSE | Dr. S Nagarajan | High Performance Compression Scheme and Scanning Pattern for Secure Data Transmission | 2011 | 2018 |
51 | Dr. Balaji A | IST | Dr. S. Sendhilkumar | Semantic Approach for Tracking scientific Research Progress | 2013 | 2018 |
52 | Mr. Praveen Joe I R | ICE | Dr. P. Varalakshmi | Facilitating Web Servie Selection Through Clustering Approach | 2013 | 2019 |
53 | Ms. K. Nirmala Devi | ICE | Dr. J.Sundararajan | Integrated Innovative Performance Improvement For NoC Architecture Of Dynamic Routing In SoC | 2010 | 2019 |
54 | Ms. Hemalatha | MECH | Dr. N. V. Mahalakshi | Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Flow through Wide Angle Conical Diffusers with and without Inlet Swirl | 2010 | 2019 |
55 | Ms.Kavitha Balamurugan | ICE | Dr.K. Chitra | Cross Layered Routing Protocol Using Multielement Transceivers for FSO Manet | 2011 | 2019 |
56 | Ms. R. Ramya | ICE | Dr. T. Sasikala | Performance Enhancement of Secured Consistency Based Information Storage in Cloud Databases | 2014 | 2020 |
57 | Ms Gayathri | EEE | Dr. S. Sekar | Induction Motor Stator Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Detection Using Artificial Neural Network | – | 2020 |
58 | Linu Sam | S&H- Physics | Dr. Amrutha, | Abinitio study of some Biological Derivatives and Experimental Study of Acorus Calamus | 2015 | 2020 |
59 | Ms. K. Subha | S&H- Chemistry | Dr. D. Easwaramoorthy r | Biogenic synthesis of Silver nano particles and their potential application | 2003 | 2020 |
60 | Ms. Poorani B | S&H Maths | Dr. Thilaka | Studies in Application of Queueing model to wireless Sensor Network | 2015 | 2020 |
61 | Mr. Cloudin S | ICE | Dr. Mohan Kumar P | Driver behavior based intelligent decision making system for VANET | 2009 | 2020 |
62 | Mr. R. Selvam | EEE | Dr. Velavan R | Design of Multi-Objective Energy Management System for Renewable Energy Sources Based on Intellectual Optimization Method | 2013 | 2020 |
63 | Mr. Prabakeran S | ICE | Dr. T. Sethukarasi | Attack Detection Mechanism for preserving security during data communication in large scale network | 2015 | 2020 |
64 | Ms. Femina M A | CSE | Dr. Rajagopalan S P | Study and Identification of Early Fetal Heart Chambers from Ultrasonic Images using Swarm Intelligence Techniques | 2012 | 2020 |
65 | Mr. Yuvaraj S | MECH | Dr. Malayalamurthi R | Assessment on the Haptic and Perceptional characteristics of an anthropomorphic soft fingertip for robotic grippers | 2015 | 2020 |
66 | Mr. Nithyanandam | Aero | Dr.G.Anitha | Design and Development of Flying Mode Foldable Arm Quadcopter | 2013 | 2021 |
67 | Mr. V. Gopal | MECH | Dr. Alphin M.S | A Novel Design of Asymmetric and cartwheel Flexure Hinges for Achieving Precision Rotational Movement in Complaint Mechanism | 2014 | 2021 |
68 | Ms. TamilSelvi | S&H- Physics | Dr.R.Samuel Selvaraj | A study of chaos and its application in atmospheric phenomena | 2015 | 2021 |
69 | Mr. Baskar | IT | Dr.T.Mohankumar | Optimal Query Plan Selection using metaheuristic Algorithms in crowd sourcing systems | 2016 | 2021 |
70 | Mr.Prasath.J.S | EEE | Dr.Uppu Ramachandriah | Investigations on Embedded Wireless Networks for Continuous Process Plant Data Security | 2013 | 2021 |
71 | Mr. K. Karthikeyan | EEE | Dr. S.K. PatnaiK | Performance Analysis and Investigation on Solar Powered DC Fan | 2013 | 2021 |
72 | H Nazini | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamurthy | Distributed framework for managing aircraft traffic using aircraft vehicular Adhoc network and Hadoop map reduction | 2011 | 2022 |
73 | Anumula Swarnalatha | Aero | Dr.G.Anitha | Vision Based Autonomous navigation of Unmanned aerialvehicle | 2013 | 2022 |
74 | Mr.Thomas Leonid T, | ECE | Jayaparvathy, R | Elephant Voice Classification for Human Elephant Conflict Mitigation Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods | 2014 | 2022 |
75 | R Partheepan | CSE | Dr. M. Krishnamurthy | Visualization of Human Brain Structure in Medical Image Through Dyadic Wavelet Transform and CAT Swarm Optimization Algorithm | 2015 | 2022 |
76 | Rammyaa, B | ECE | K. S. Vishvaksenan | Investigation on the performance of MIMO MC CDMA for cognitive radio networks | 2015 | 2022 |
77 | Mr.Prasath .R | CSE | Dr. Kumanan, T | Enhancing the Quality of Underwater Image with Enhanced Optimal Histogram Using Swarm Updated Dragon fly Algorithm | 2017 | 2022 |
78 | Minu Susan Jacob | CSE | Dr.Selvi Rajendran | Fake product review classification using fuzzy artificial bee colony- based CNN-LSTM and semantic feature | 2018 | 2022 |
79 | Ms.G.Valarmathy | ECE | Dr.V.Balaji | Certain Improvements in Parameter Tunning For Heuristics Deep Learning Network and its Application in Brain Tumor Identification” | 2018 | 2022 |
80 | Mr.Susan Jacob | S&H | Dr.M.K. Bhadri Narayanan | A study on the business challenges of the Franchised Food outlets of Home Grown brands | 2014 | 2023 |
81 | Mr.G.Loganathan | MECH | Dr.M.Kannan | Optimized Production Of Biodiesel Using Internet Of Things Sensed Temperature | 2015 | 2023 |
83 | Vidhya A | CSE | Dr.Jothi | Fusion Based advanced encryption algorithm for enhancing the security of bigdata in Cloud Environment | 2016 | 2023 |
84 | Ms.G.Premalatha | ECE | Dr.V.Thulasi Bai | IoT for Health care | 2016 | 2023 |
85 | Ms R Meena | ECE | Dr.V.Thulasi Bai | Big Data Analytics in Health Care- | 2016 | 2023 |
86 | Mr.Chandramohan | MECH | 2023 |
S.No | Supervisor Recognition No. | Supervisor Name | Department Name | Research Area | Email-ID |
1 | 2840063 | Dr.M.Krishnamoorthy | Computer Science and Engineering | Data Mining | mkrishmails@gmail.com |
2 | 3030007 | Dr.Anuradha.T | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Systems, Smart Grids | anuradha.tn@gmail.com |
3 | 3410008 | Dr. Vandhana Devi V | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engineering, Hydrodynamic modeling, Water & Wastewater treatment, Geographic Information systems | vandhana.indian@gmail.com |
4 | 2620007 | Dr.R.Asad Ahmed | Mechanical Engineering | Aerodynamics, CFD, Jets, Mav | asadahmed@gmail.com |
5 | 2340068 | Dr.R. Dhaya | Computer Science and Engineering | Wireless Communication, Computer Network Security, Embedded System | dhayavel@yahoo.co.in |
6 | 3120012 | Dr.T.Mothilal | Automobile Engineering | Thermal, CFD, Heat Exchanger, Optimization | haimothi@yahoo.co.in |
7 | 2720027 | Dr.T.Raja. | Mechanical Engineering | Composites, Materials, Design, Manufacturing | traja70@gmail.com |
8 | 3920003 | Dr.S.Syam Narayanan | Aeronautical Engineering | Aerodynamics, Flapping Wing, Fluid-Solid Interactions, Wind Turbines | syamnarayanans@gmail.com |
9 | 4120067 | Dr.A.Tony Thomas | Mechanical Engineering | Fluid Power Systems, Mechatronics, Robotics | dec84tony@gmail.com |
10 | 2520016 | Dr.K.Vijayaraja | Aeronautical Engineering | Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Thermal, Aircraft Materials | kvijayraja@gmail.com |
11 | 2840046 | Deepa Jose | Electronics and Communication Engineering | VLSI Design, Signal and Image Processing, Soft Computing, Communication Systems | deepa.ece@kcgcollege.com |
12 | 3540013 | Jose Anand | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Image Processing | joseanandme@gmail.com |
13 | 2840063 | Krishnamurthy M | Computer Science and Engineering | Data Mining | mkrishmails@gmail.com |
14 | 2840058 | Selvi Rajendran P | Computer Science and Engineering | Natural Language Processing | p.selvirajendran@gmail.com |
15 | 2440402 | Dr.V.Thulasi Bai | Electronics and Communication Engineering | High Performance Networks,Telemedicine,Embedded Systems Mobile Adhoc Networks | thulasi_bai@yahoo.com |
16 | 3940024 | Dr.C.R.Uma Kumari | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Fiber Optic Sensors, Optical Communication, Internet of Things | umakumari.cr@gmail.com |
17 | 3070025 | Dr.Geethumani | Physics | Laser Physics | geethujeyakumar@gmail.com |
18 | 3370068 | Dr.Gladwin | Physics | Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Integrability, Nonlinear Electronics | gladwinpradeep@gmail.com |
19 | 2170006 | Dr.Amrutha | Physics | Theoretical Physics | amrutha@kcgcollege.com |
20 | 2670060 | Dr.Andal | Chemistry | Nano materials, Materials, Inorganic Chemistry, Biomaterials | andalvit@gmail.com |
21 | 2670059 | Dr.Lakshmipathy | Chemistry | Chemistry | lakshmipathy.vit@gmail.com |
22 | 4070031 | Dr.Maya Joby | Maths | Stability of dynamical Systems | mayajomy@gmail.com |
23 | 3750006 | Dr.Clement | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Nanotechnology, Renewable energy, Solar Cells, Supercapacitors | clement.ece@kcgcollege.com |
24 | 3550002 | Dr.Mohammed Zakkriya | Fashion Technology | Technical Textiles And Apparels, Nonwovens, Composites | mohamedzakriya_razvi@rediffmail.com |
25 | 4120071 | Dr.Vigneshkumar.M | Mechanical Engineering | Tribology,Additive Manufacturing, FEM,corrosion | vigneshkumaar@gmail.com |
26 | 4170044 | Dr.Bhanurekha | Fashion Technology | Natural Fibre Composites, Medical Textiles, Sanitary Napkins, Eco-
Friendly Textiles |
bhanurekha.sp@kcgcollege.com |
27 | 4170042 | Dr.Jessie Abraham | Maths | Embedding and Graph Layout, Node Set Optimization, Topological
Indices, Graph Entropy Measures |
jessie.abrt@gmail.com |
28 | 3940002 | Dr.Jothi.S | Computer Science and Engineering | Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks | jothi14.baskar@gmail.com |
29 | 2540047 | Dr.B.V.Krishna | Computer Science and Engineering | Data Mining , Soft Computing , Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision | padhukrishna@rediffmail.com |
30 | 240003 | Safia Naveed S | Computer Science and Engineering | Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT | safia.research@gmail.com |
31 | 4120162 | Dillibabu V | Automobile Engineering | Energy, Gasification, Thermal, Biomass | babudilli8@gmail.com |
32 | 4220063 | Arulprakasajothi M | Mechanical Engineering | Thermal Management, 3D Printing and Nano Materials for Thermal Systems | mapj08@gmail.com |
33 | 4120022 | Gowthaman S | Mechanical Engineering | Manufacturing, Machining, Surface Engineering, Molecular Dynamics | gowthammurali1991@gmail.com |
34 | 4120153 | Kaliappan S | Mechanical Engineering | Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, CFD, Composite Materials | kaliappan261975@gmail.com |
35 | 4120164 | Sureshkumar A | Aeronautical Engineering | High Speed Jet Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Propulsion, Experimental Aerodynamics | sureshtzy@gmail.com |
36 | 4210012 | Muthukannan M | Civil Engineering | Transport, Concrete, Geopolymer | civilkannan@gmail.com |
37 | 1610132 | Siva Kumar P | Department of Civil Engineering | Structural Engg. – Cad, Structural Optimization and Prefabricated Buildings | pskumar@sercm.org |
S.No | Supervisor Name | Name of the Scholar | Working Place of the scholar | Mode of Study |
1 | Dr.Amrutha.R | Thilakavathy R | Jerusalam College of Engineering | Part-Time |
2 | Dr. Asad Ahmed | Praveen Kumar U | Jeppiar Engineering College | Part Time |
3 | Haston Amit Kumar | Jeppiaar Engineering College | Part Time | |
4 | Manikandan S | Jeppiaar Engineering College | Part Time | |
5 | SenthamizSelvam | — | Full Time | |
6 | Ashish C | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
7 | Dr. Deepa Jose | G. Sivakani | — | Full Time |
8 | P. Vanmathi | — | Full Time | |
9 | R. Rajagopal | R M D Engineering College | Part Time | |
10 | S. Soumya | Meenakshi College of Engineering | Part Time | |
11 | V. Priyanka | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
12 | Manam Mujahid | KCG College of Technology | Full time | |
13 | Jeevitha Damodaran | Part-Time | ||
14 | Dr.T.Raja | R. Manikandan | A M S College of Engineering | Part Time |
15 | Sukumar | J J College of Technology | Part Time | |
16 | Arul Inigo Raja | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
17 | T. Prabhu | – | Full Time | |
18 | Dr. M. Krishnamurthy | D. Sudha | K C G College of Technology | Part Time |
19 | Thirupugal Kumar M | — | Full-Time | |
20 | Jagadeesh.K | GRT College | Part Time | |
21 | Jebasheela.A | SRM Valliammai Engineering College | Part Time | |
22 | N. Lakshmi | – | Full Time | |
23 | Maheswari R | PERI Institute of Technology | Part Time | |
24 | Nivashini A | Part-Time | ||
25 | Anju A | KCG College of Tecgnology | Part Time | |
26 | Joint-Supervisor | YasodhaK | J N N Institute of Engineering | Part -Time |
27 | yasodha.B | MNM Engineering College | Part Time | |
28 | Sivakumar K | Rover Engineering College | Part-Time | |
29 | Dr.T.Anuradha | A. Arvin Tony | K C G College of Technology | Part Time |
30 | A. V. Suganya | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
31 | BrindhaSakthi | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
32 | Jitha Varghese | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
33 | Mr.Rangarajan.V | Velammal Engineering College | Part Time | |
34 | Mrs.Vijayalakshmi.R | Veltech Engineering College | Part Time | |
35 | Bindu. Vadlamudi | #REF! | Full Time | |
36 | S. Balaji | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
37 | Dr. V. ThulasiBai | B. Thyla | K C G College of Technology | Part Time |
38 | Mr. M.Mohamed Yaseen | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
39 | K. Sivachander | K C G College of Technology | Full Time | |
40 | M. Benisha | Jeppiar Institute of Technology | Part Time | |
41 | Arul flora.T | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
42 | S. Sadasivam | K C G College of Technology | Part Time | |
43 | Aida Jones | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
44 | JaralineKirubavathy K | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
45 | Saranya G | KCG College of Technology | Part Time | |
46 | Dr. V. Balaji | Tina Susan Thomas | KCG college of Technology | Part Time |
47 | Bharathiraja S | AVC College of Engineering | Part-Time | |
48 | Crispin M V | Meenakshi Engineering College | Part-Time | |
49 | Eric Clapten J | Chennai Institute of Technology | Part-Time | |
50 | Tamilselvi A | Chennai Institute of Technology | Part-Time | |
51 | Dr.Jose Anand | Ms. Mahalakshmi | Chennai Institute of Technology | Part-Time |
52 | Ms. M. Shanmuga Sundari | Chennai Institute of Technology | Part-Time | |
53 | Ms. Nisha | Chennai Institute of Technology | Part-Time | |
54 | Ms. Augustince C | GRT Engineering College | Part-Time | |
55 | Gori Mohamed | Dhanakshmi Srinivasa Engineering College | Part-Time | |
56 | Dr.Gopinath | Mr.Porselvan | Dhanakshmi Srinivasa Engineering College | Part -Time |
57 | Dr. Tony Thomas | KCG College of Technology | Part-Time | |
58 | Dr.C.Umakumari | Amudhavalli.S | CSN College of Engineering | Part-Time |
59 | Dr.Krishna.B.V | Chejaria Raja.S | Full-Time | |
60 | Vishnuvardhan Reddy.T | Full-Time | ||
61 | Peddaswarthu Ramesh.S | Full-Time | ||
62 | Vindhya Anuragh.K | Full-Time | ||
63 | Dr.S.Jothi | Karthi.M | St.Joseph Institute of Technology | Part-time |
64 | Abhijith.J.R | St.Joseph Institute of Technology | Part-time | |
65 | Dr.Prasath.R | Kaku Haribabu | Full-Time | |
66 | Mallela Subha Sree | Full-Time | ||
67 | Maanasa Thoguru | Full-Time | ||
68 | Naga Chandrika Bathulu | Full-Time |
KCG Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai,
Chennai – 600 097.
Tamil Nadu. India.
Mail : Research@kcgcollege.com
Phone : +91 9003871717 | +91 9566999916