Have you ever marveled at how a plane flies and wanted to design a plane? Do you want to learn more about Internet of Things? Are you passionate about music and dance? Or have you always wanted to capture the beauty of the world through the lens of the camera? Whatever your interest we have the right club for you,
At KCG, there are more than 20 clubs which offer a great venue to pursue existing hobbies or explore new ones. Join the club of your choice and become immersed in a dynamic new world of learning and fun
Overall Co-Ordinators
1. Ms. Susan Jacob (S&H) 2. Ms. Thyla (ECE) |
Do you want to enjoy a sport you love, try something new or keep active? No problem. @ KCG, you will have the chance to play for fun, play for your college or compete for the University. Or maybe you just want to keep active, fit and healthy? Multiple clubs (Sports, Fitness & Horse Riding clubs) facilities and KCG’s beautiful green spaces make this easy. That history translates into a vibrant sports scene in KCG today. With a vast range of sports clubs , the College is one of the country’s leading centres for student sport.
AR club is an initiative to get insights in the future technology by developing projects that involves industry experts as mentors.
This club is designed to increase the exposure to augmented reality technologies through public demonstrations, development experience, projects with industry and experiential learning workshops.
Faculty Coordinator: Ms.Arthy – AI&DS
Student Coordinators: Swethsree/CSE, Sneha/CSE

Eco club is a forum for acquiring and disseminating knowledgeof environmental issues like global warming, biodiversity preservation, reduction,reuse and recycling as well as local environmental concerns. The Eco Club organisesevents likeTree Plantation Drives, Swachhata Awareness Days, PaintingCompetitions, Poster Presentations, Essay Writing Competitions and many more.
- To raise awareness about conservation
- To create awareness regarding natural resource management
- To advocate environmentally sustainable practices
- To promote environmental justice
Club Coordinator: Dr. V. Andal, S&H
Student Coordinators: Mr. A.B. Keshav Kumar
- Help the students to relax and improve in self expression
- Improve the concentration and self-discipline
- Engage in abstract thinking and sharpen their visual-spatial insight
- Practice out-of-the-box thinking and aid in developing practical problem solving

Service above self in action! Rotary club is a service, leadership and community service organization for young men and women between the ages 18–30.Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces.
Contact Person
Mr I R Praveen Joe, CSE – praveen.joe.it@kcgcollege.com
Bored of searching for different Apps from your playstore? Now learn, build and deploy your own App. The Mobile Apps Club makes the members understand the process of app building in a practical way. Besides mentoring by experts, the members are made to work on real-time projects.
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Krithika | Dr.Prasad,AP/CSE
Student Coordinator: Karan Sanjeev Nair
- To be a common ground for students of all cultures.
- To educate and create awareness among students.
- Create a sense of oneness and empathy among students from all backgrounds
Club Coordinator: Ms. PriyaBijesh, S&H and Ms. Bhuvaneshwari.
Student Coordinators: Ms. VakkalaGadda Drishti Rao, CSE
Need exposure and experience in the latest and futuristic smart technology? Members will be mentored by experts and receive hands-on training.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.Thomas Leonid T,AP/ECE, Dr.V.Balaji ,Asso.Prof/ECE
Student Coordinators: Meenakshi G.V/ECE, Jennifer .V/ECE

Do you code your dream? This club provides you the necessary resources, training and knowledge to help you become a coding whiz.
Faculty coordinator: Ms.Keerthana, Assistant professor(SS) / CSE
Student coordinator: NishantDev / II Year / CSE
Contact Person :
Ms Minju P George, CSE – minjupgeorge@gmail.com
Have you ever wanted to have a robot as your friend? The KCG eYantra Robotics Lab trains students in Embedded Systems and Micro-Controller Programming by engaging the members in a project based learning mode, to help make robots.
Faculty Coordinator: Mr. K.K. Manivannan, AP/Mechatronics
Student Coordinator: Mr. Jagadish J S / Mechatronics, Mr.Sugavaneswar M / Mechatronics
Is Toastmasters Right for You?
Do you want to become a confident public speaker and strong leader? If so, Toastmasters is the place for you. You’ll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace.
Contact Person
Mr I R Praveen Joe, CSE – praveen.joe.it@kcgcollege.com
About the club:
Who is not fascinated by space and the secrets waiting to be discovered? Space exploration club seeks to learn about space, the planets and the technology needed to explore and learn about space. Develop leadership and management skills as well through participation in events and projects closely related to space sciences and technology.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.Naveen AP (SS)/Aero
Student Coordinator: Ms. DebadattaDey
About the club:
Drone Club, strives to impart enthusiasm and passion for drone technology, robotics, mechatronics and allied fields among students. We aim to satisfy the various needs that are primal to keep in pace with the ever-evolving field of drone technology and mechatronics. If you are fascinated by drones and want to learn more about them, join this group of interdisciplinary students, and realize your passion.
Faculty Coordinator: Mr.Aashish Chandra Mouli ,AP/Aero
Student Coordinator : Balasubramaniam/Aero,Dhamodharan/Aero,Ruban /Aero,Tamizh /Aero

- To demonstrate a nuanced understanding of collaboration in the creative process through leadership, participation and reflection.
- To develop a multifaceted physicality through training in dance techniques.
- To integrate an understanding of cultural context.
- Ms. G. Jeyanthi, S&H
- Mr.Bandi Alex (IV Year IT)
- Ms.Yudhashini, III year CSE
Objective :
- To make conversing and reading in English a natural process for the students.
- To improve their confidence in English communication.
Club Cooridnator:
Dr.Saranya, S&H
Student Cooridnator:
Ms. Menmozhi, Mechatronics, 2nd Yr
Capture beauty through the lens of a camera. Members will improve their photography skills through mentoring and workshops by experts.
Contact Person :
Mr.S.Sadasivam, ECE – sadasivam@kcgcollege.com
- To motivate students with a quest for knowledge and serve as a stepping stone to their holistic development
- To instill the values of knowledge, wisdom and compassion in students to make them smart citizens.
Club Coordinator – Dr.S. Nalini Jayanthi, S&H-Physics, Ms.P. TEPHILLA JOICE, S&H-Mathematics
Student Coordinator – S Gnana dency-II YEAR AI&DS, S Charulatha-II YEAR AI&DS
- To provide students a platform to practice songs and musical instruments.
- To nurture the talents of students through music workshops.
- To guide students to participate in musical events and competitions.
- To guide students to identify their areas of strength in music.
Club Coordinator
Mr. Cerin P Simon, S&H
Student Coordinators
Mr. Advaith R, 3rdYr CSE
- To develop communicative competency through interaction and discussion
- To encourage critical thinking
- To examine and analyze the elements of film like screen writing, directing, acting, cinematography, editing, Art designing, sound/music effects and so on
Club Coordinator:
Dr.Poorani, Assistant Professor (S.S), Maths
Student Coordinator:
Mr. Richard Reegan M, 2ndYr IT
Objectives of Sports club
The club offers opportunity to learn new sports, improve existing sports skill, practice and compete various levels. Club inculcates valuable leadership skills through successful play way method and intra club dynamics
Is your heart on the field? KCG Sports Club offers opportunities for learning a new sport, improving existing sport skills, practicing and playing not only for fun but also for competing at various levels. Club members develop valuable leadership and team skills.
India is a country of more than a billion people and yet only 3 medals won at 2008 Olympics. There after sea of well intended changes has been initiated by Government, private and NGO sectors to increase the medal tally. Eight year later at Rio Olympics our medal tally degraded to one less than what we achieved at 2008. In Obsession with getting more gold, we missed the focus on building a sporty nation.
KCG Sports club was an first initiative taken among Engineering colleges in tamilnadu by our Sports lover, Educationalist and philanthropist Dr.AnandJacabVerghese Director & CEO in the year 2016 as part of Multi Talent Development Initatives (MTDI) for our students.
KCG Sports club was inaugurated by the great “Dunking Devil” from Europe in 2016. Here at KCG we strongly believe in “Mass Participation” as a critical pillar in making of a sporting nation. we were founded with a mission of making all students at KCG play games and sports.
Only when bottom of the pyramid is strong will see the top of the pyramid swell.
Contact Person :
Dr.N.Prem Kumar, Director of Physical Education – prem.sports@kcgcollege.com
Fitness to Achieve and keep healthy body and weight for reducing Stress, Anxiety and Depression which helps improving Self confidence of the students
Contact Person :
Dr. N. Prem kumar, Director of Physical Education – prem.sports@kcgcollege.com
To promote participation and sportsmanship in equestrian competition among all students without regard to their level of riding skill and improving the strong core & leg through Health Fitness Revolution
Have you always wanted to experience the thrill of riding a horse? Join the club and learn to ride a horse under the supervision of a trainer.
Contact Person :
Dr. N. Prem kumar, Director of Physical Education- prem.sports@kcgcollege.com
KCG WOMEN’S CODING CLUB is an exclusive club for women to learn Coding and Associated Skills. It is a platform to create an awareness and interest among girl students on programming.
Contact Person:
Ms.Anju.A,IT –anju.it@kcgcollege.com
Add up fun. Multiply skills. Attain success.
Enter the magical world of numbers through the KCG Maths club! If you are fascinated with numbers or would like to become a maths wiz, then come and be part of the Math club. We have space for the maths wiz and the ‘the maths is difficult’ student. Maths is fun and maths is easy. Let us show you how. KCG MATH Club helps to develop hidden math talents and stimulate mathematical curiosity. With riddles, games, competitions, this club will help students enjoy the world of numbers.
Ms.Arthy Sundar, Assistant Professor, S&H, Maths
Ms Felcita Regina, Assistant Professor, S&H, Maths
Student Coordinator: Ms.G.G.Thirupthika,Aero
Ys Youth Club of KCG College was inaugurated on 9th October 2020 at KCG College of Technology campus and the program was broadcast online. Eminent and Enthusiastic Ys Leaders and Ys Men participated in the event online. The club is sponsored by YSC of Chennai Karapakkam. Ysp Dr.Annie Jacob, Ys Mennette Leader, India Area, will be the advisor of the club. The event was made a grand occasion with the able guidance of the Patron HRM Ysm Dr Anand Jacob Verghese, Chief Coordinator, India Area.
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.Arivazhagan