March 7, 2020 all-day


Stri was envisaged as a celebration of all that makes us women. A time for KCG women to show their talent and prove their mettle! It was a day for them to let down their hair and have fun. Green and purple were chosen as colours for the day and on 7th March the campus was vibrant with hues of these two shades

A series of competitions were organised for girls and faculty. Groups of girls who wanted to show their painting skills busied themselves with Murals on the college walls. The result was an explosion of colour around the theme “Woman as the axle of Family, Society and Earth”. Elocution on the topic “Gender Equality: Myth or Reality” saw young passionate speakers talk on topics ranging from the pressure of being ‘good’ girls to character assassination apart from atrocities like rape and assault. They also spoke up for men and the pressure they face to get jobs and be the providers for the family. Slam poetry on the topic “we women..” saw funny and moving performance poetry from students who were enthusiastically clapped for their verbal felicity. Girls were seen taking photos of women trying to capture and freeze different emotions to get that perfect submission for the photographic competition.

Dance drama around social evils saw a number of teams perform heart rending and moving depiction of what many women have to face. Perfectly choreographed, it brought together music and dance to depict the joys and sorrows of women. The performances were adjudged by the chief guest. The Chief Guest of the day was Ms Sangeeta Isvaran, celebrated dancer involved in many community projects for the marginalised sections of society. Her riveting talk and performance gave insights into the way we talk and behave, the internal prejudices and bias we hold, and how we must free ourselves both from a judgemental attitude as well as fear to realize our potential.

Prizes were distributed to the various winners of the competition. This was followed by games and a catwalk by students and faculty with a glittering crown for the best dressed student and best dressed faculty. Little gifts and snacks completed the day’s celebrations. It was a great day for all.