June 23, 2017 @ 10:00 am – June 26, 2017 @ 3:30 pm
HIET Polytechnic College

The following Non-Teaching Staffs were given Training to develop their skill in Gas Welding by Mr.Yoganathan, Welding Instructor deputed from HIET Polytechnic College for 4 days from 23/05/2017 to 26/05/2017 at our Basic Workshop Laboratory.


  1. Mr. Sajji .V. Kuriakose, Workshop Supdt.
  2. Mr.Santhosh Kumar, Instructor
  3. Mr.Y. Anand, Instructor
  4. Mr. M.Sivaji, Instructor
  5. Mr.Karthikeyan, Instructor
  6. Mr.V.Sabu, Instructor
  7. Mr. A.Jayakumar, Instructor
  8. Mr A.Charles, Instructor
  9. Mr.H. Balaraman, Instructor
  10. Mr.S. Nagaraj, Instructor
  11. Mr.D.Arul, Instructor
  12. Mr. Ganesh, Instructor


Entire Non-Teaching Staff Team with Co-ordinators & Trainer Mr.Jayakumar, Instructor Practicing Gas Welding Mr.Karthikeyan Practicing Gas Welding